Monday, May 12, 2008
Watching Neighbour In Shower
Friday, February 29, 2008
Target Commercial Spanish 2010

Josh works in his office when Torrence ran into his office. She closes the door behind her speed and watches, eyes bulging, sweaty forehead.
Torrence (trafficked) Josh! Do I talk to you, if you-please-?
Josh smiled corner and looks up his ex-wife.
JOSH: You know I always have the time to give a pretty woman?
Torrence shuddered, she sits facing Josh, apparently very worried.
JOSH: (worried the wrong) But definitely you do not mind joking! What happens is Joyce?
Torrence: (looks up in the air, it rises, then sits on the desk of Josh) No! This is not Joyce! It's me, I ... I did not say not to worry, but I kept having these migraines, and I'm starting to believe that it is more serious than it looks!
Josh approaches her.
JOSH: But Torrence was an agreement for the good our child ...
Torrence: (interrupts him) I know! Josh, listen to me. I want you to take me to the hospital immediately ...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
How Often Do People Go Om Sick
Donna is visiting a completely modern house with a young couple. It is of a chic suit, adorned with a gold brooch and a badge ME / RAX, chest to his advantage. A notebook in hand, she enters a room all white high walls, followed by a couple consisting of a large thin-looking woman aside, and a man bald, paunchy and displaying a friendly smile.
DONNA: (Moving, very mannered, a little voice echo) And here is the lounge with views over the city ... (blink) where you can enjoy a drink in quiet, (the couple Surrounds his arm) in love ... (goes to the window, sits under it) the survey of the moon on Atlanta ... after a hard day's work!
The man nods nods, impressed. The woman seems very interested in the words of Donna.
DONNA : So what do you think?
MAN (smiling with all her teeth) That sounds fabulous.
The woman gives a shot in the belly of her husband.
WOMAN: You can not be serious? This piece is so echo I can not stay a minute longer in this room. And I had specified a sea view, not a city view!
Donna refrains from swinging a basket of insults in the face of his client. His cell rang at that moment. She looks at her subtly display and noticed that the phone is Kyle.
DONNA: (grinning hypocrite) Excuse me a moment?
yellow Donna laughs and walks away, the camera in hand.
At home, Kyle is sitting on a chair, a glass of scotch in hand.
KYLE: How's the most beautiful real estate agent from Georgia?
Donna smiled corner.
DONNA: (upset) My darling, I have no time for that ... my visit is going very badly ...
She sighs so exuberant.
KYLE: I was wondering if you would join me after your visit ... I booked for two at your favorite restaurant ... for dinner a little heads up ... what do you say, hmm?
In the lounge, the lady is getting impatient.
WOMAN: (pointing to the kitchen) Mrs. Gilmore? I think we have sufficiently studied the living room. We might be possibly willing to visit another part of the next decade ...
Donna clenched teeth, a smile on his face.
DONNA: (on phone) I'll be there.
She hangs up.
DONNA: But if I was getting ready to show you just the bathrooms ...
The husband joined the two women in the kitchen. Together they continue the tour.
DONNA: (his voice fading in the distance) So here is the bathroom, all redone last winter, with whirlpool and double vanity mirror doors ... ...
Saturday, February 2, 2008
To Rent A Church Sample Letter
Durham Crescent is a web series created, written and written by Paul Bryant and Hazel Tyler. It's not a real soap opera aired on television. No actor chosen for this false drama and no television network has signed a contract with this blog. So what does soap work of Paul and Hazel, simply.
Durham Crescent is a totally fictional work, resulting from months of work. Any resemblance to the life of any reader prove that pure chance.
Hazel Tyler and Paul Bryant own all the rights to the storylines and scenarios published in this series. However, you are free to do Advertising and quote from this series for publicizing.
The choice of real actors for this webseries was done simply to make the physical description of the characters more realistic to readers.
Durham Crescent is a web series among many others in the unviers only, you'll like her.
Is Anyone Is Doing Honey Bee Farming In Bangalore
Outside, Michelle (Sabine Singh) comes to his mailbox, opens it and finds a small card business.
MICHELLE: Well, well!
She lowers the flag, and moves back a bit in the shade.
MICHELLE: Nikki Griffin, marriage agency ...
She raises an eyebrow.
MICHELLE (clenched teeth) Lovely Nikki. You should not have.
Michelle tilted her head slightly and headed directly to his next-door neighbor. She climbs the steps and rings. Inside, Nikki (Alexa Havins) down the stairs and approached the front door. She looks through the bull's-eye and sees a emmerdée Michelle, his arms folded impatiently, stamping his foot on gallery painted red. On the nerves, Nikki leans on the door.
NIKKI: (whispering) Shit! I knew she would not take it!
Michelle knocks on the door.
MICHELLE: Nikki! Open! I know you're there! I heard your dryer every time!
Nikki, on tiptoe, leaning against the door and blushed.
NIKKI : I'll be right!
Nikki walking there with her high heels then turns and opens the door.
NIKKI: Michelle! What a surprise! I just ... I would classify my laundry ...
Michelle it displays a friendly smile falsely.
MICHELLE: What busy woman! Housewife par excellence and professional account! You represent the perfect image of the modern woman!
Nikki Michelle stares.
NIKKI: (uneasy) That's nice.
MICHELLE: (Always on the floor) I can enter?
NIKKI: (still in the door frame) Enter? Ah, yes! Where are my manners?
Nikki steps back and lets Michelle in the house.
MICHELLE: Probably in the laundry basket, my dear. (Smiles cold) with the rest of the laundry.
Nikki laughs yellow, and turns to Michelle after closing the door.
NIKKI: So, Michelle, Michelle, Michelle ...
Nikki laughed stupidly, and at the silence of Michelle, looks down.