From a later episode Donna is visiting a completely modern house with a young couple. It is of a chic suit, adorned with a gold brooch and a badge ME / RAX, chest to his advantage. A notebook in hand, she enters a room all white high walls, followed by a couple consisting of a large thin-looking woman aside, and a man bald, paunchy and displaying a friendly smile.
DONNA: (Moving, very mannered, a little voice echo) And here is the lounge with views over the city ... (blink) where you can enjoy a drink in quiet, (the couple Surrounds his arm) in love ... (goes to the window, sits under it) the survey of the moon on Atlanta ... after a hard day's work!
The man nods nods, impressed. The woman seems very interested in the words of Donna.
DONNA : So what do you think?
MAN (smiling with all her teeth) That sounds fabulous.
The woman gives a shot in the belly of her husband.
WOMAN: You can not be serious? This piece is so echo I can not stay a minute longer in this room. And I had specified a sea view, not a city view!
Donna refrains from swinging a basket of insults in the face of his client. His cell rang at that moment. She looks at her subtly display and noticed that the phone is Kyle.
DONNA: (grinning hypocrite) Excuse me a moment?
yellow Donna laughs and walks away, the camera in hand.
At home, Kyle is sitting on a chair, a glass of scotch in hand.
KYLE: How's the most beautiful real estate agent from Georgia?
Donna smiled corner.
DONNA: (upset) My darling, I have no time for that ... my visit is going very badly ...
She sighs so exuberant.
KYLE: I was wondering if you would join me after your visit ... I booked for two at your favorite restaurant ... for dinner a little heads up ... what do you say, hmm?
In the lounge, the lady is getting impatient.
WOMAN: (pointing to the kitchen) Mrs. Gilmore? I think we have sufficiently studied the living room. We might be possibly willing to visit another part of the next decade ...
Donna clenched teeth, a smile on his face.
DONNA: (on phone) I'll be there.
She hangs up.
DONNA: But if I was getting ready to show you just the bathrooms ...
The husband joined the two women in the kitchen. Together they continue the tour.
DONNA: (his voice fading in the distance) So here is the bathroom, all redone last winter, with whirlpool and double vanity mirror doors ... ...