The inevitable happened! In The Daily on May 6, Mr. Andre Tremblay of "Saguenay" proposes to rename the boulevard Talbot ... "Boulevard Chicoutimi. If we were looking the right way to reduce nothing to the mythical name of Chicoutimi, look no further, it found. Someone has finally thought.
Since we're at it, why not Boulevard "Saguenay II ? That way, we would be sure to have the continuity of ideas.
"Which route to take? " request, a mechanic from Quebec, a French guy finding his way to visit the Saguenay Fjord, passing with his big hooves dondaine by Bridge Marjolaine II?
Easy, replied the mechanic: -just take the "Boulevard Saguenay II" to continue until " City of Saguenay "and cross the" boulevard Saguenay I "just along the" river Saguenay. La Marjolaine II bathe just to "port Saguenay. It's easy! That's all right, 237 km above. You'll like the natives as they are docile sheep of Panurge and are just working to make mowing the memory by the City Council Saguenay ...