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Submitter alexzt4
August 31, 2010 at 09 h 52 EDT
Hello Ms. Charette
I am a 20 year old student, I work with children and I am involved in my community. This summer, my twin sister and I were presented in Toronto to show our disagreement faced with decisions taken at the summit of G20 and ways of making decisions such as what kind of summit.
At this summit, we, my classmates and I experienced probably the worst violations of human rights in Canada for decades. Unlawful arrests, detention in inhumane conditions over a period of time of several days for most, strip searches without reasonable cause, all without the right to talk to a lawyer for the majority, before over 30 hours, to name just a few of these violations.
The vast majority of us still have to face serious criminal charges, then that dozens of my classmates and I were arrested when we were sleeping!
That's what I wish the media talk about this summer advantage, even if only to inform the public about how the police have decided to manage a population of people disagree with the policy in place . Was this an attempt to criminalize political dissent, the right to protest, a constitutional right? What were the claims of thousands of people from all walks of life in the streets of Toronto during the G20?
In my opinion, several issues have, wittingly or unwittingly, been avoided or treated too briefly. That said, it's not too late to talk.
Thank you very much for your attention,
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Increased Metabolism What Does It Mean
Services rendered
Very, very hard, this soldier of the web. Julie Miville-
Very, very hard, this soldier of the web. Julie Miville-
Dechêne is a perfect example of the little French Canadian service nicely rewarded for loyal service rendered to their masters of the Dominion of Canada. It is part of the same family as pushy obsequious Romeo Dallaire, the accomplice of Paul Kagame thanked by a Senate seat for facilitating the bloody conquest of power by the killers of the RPF in Rwanda.
investment of Canadian mining companies in Africa totaled $ 21 billion in 2010. Coincidentally, they have tripled since the beginning of the war of aggression launched by the RPF in 1990.
When will the excuses of the CBC? Bernard Desgagné, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Itchy Boob Broken Capillaries
Israeli Palestinian ! An Arab Israeli-Arab! An Israeli Palestinian Arabic! Seen like that
Un anti-impérialiste colonialiste, un révolutionnaire statu-quoiste, un anarchiste paternaliste. Vive le Canada.
If you - an individual "gold nation - are free, and determined your own future, You Might do so for good or for evil. You might even do irreparable harm to *yourself*.
As for why I’m critical of "the principle of national self-determination", that’s because ‘nation’ or ‘people’ is constantly used to mean ‘ethnic group’. So interpreted, the ‘principle of national self-determination’ is one of the most destructive ideals ever advanced.
We might suppose there is an ethnically homogeneous population on some planet, and members of that population wants the same thing. Their interests never clash with the interests of other populations on the planet - maybe there *isn’t* any other population on the planet. Should they be able to determine ‘their destiny’? Sure, why not - as long as they do this for good, not evil.
[...] Self-determination wouldn’t even make a strong case for Palestinian statehood. Are the Palestinians a ‘nation’ in the ethnic sense? Well, what happened to them being Arabs, and to Arab nationalism?
Fundamentals of the Israel-Palestine Conflict , Michael Neumann, 22 août 2010 via
Un anti-impérialiste colonialiste, un révolutionnaire statu-quoiste, un anarchiste paternaliste. Vive le Canada.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Нудисти. Фото.
Requiem for the merged cities of Upper Lake
Basin and the mouth of the Chicoutimi River, circa 1960. Here on the west bank of the water now partly filled in, that have written the first lines of the history of Saguenay
Death Bear!
"What else is there identity jonquiéroise? ", asks the journalist Daniel Côté, in a text published in the Progress-Sunday 22 August, where he deplores, rightly, loss of memory in his hometown that was absorbed into the fatal drift of municipal mergers Enforced by the PQ government of Lucien Bouchard? "The furniture was saved" concludes Côté consoling himself on some unfortunate cultural institutions that have miraculously survived the sinking. While it is still very insignificant few buildings and a travesty of cultural institutions to mask the edges of the crater it creates in our collective universe, but that does basically the words of journalist cruelly real, "identity jonquiéroise" was "lost forever". Indeed! Old Town is "became a district within a district, [it] only exists in memory of a handful of nostalgic and is no longer" a view of the spirit. "
What's more, if not to recall that this result was pathetic, once again, predictable because programmed reduce us to nothing in the national project. Because this part of the larger project of lobotomized Quebec strain has been announced and harshly criticized by some upset and worried minds, minds freer than others who have tried in vain to sound the alarm. Today, the text side demonstrates, history files the first words of his trial and conviction in absentia: -Here lies part of the founding people, Métis and French Canadian, who died without leaving traces for the benefit of masters stateless, their footmen and those who benefit.
Well done for us ! Had become involved, challenge, anger against those who wanted us dead, objecting to the project from those who wanted to make the skin because they had already sold to abroad. Stop crying over our misfortune, a part of this disaster we are collectively accountable.
Chicoutimi, the ghost town cannibalized by his sisters enemy!
These words are for me, a cruel relevance. They speak for all other cities foolishly sacrificed in this sad adventure. Precisely, in 1980, anticipating these forced mergers, I started to write the history of Municipalities. With stories of Chicoutimi-Nord, L'Anse-Saint-Jean and Val-Jalbert, I already saw the danger that this precipice of irrelevance politician was digging in for a total recklessness citizen . I knew it had to happen in the next future too, and I told myself I had to shoot during the rescue, many pictures and as soon as possible of these memories alive before they pass away under the leadership of a political regime PQ completely disconnected from our regional reality and without understanding of what a place to live, a community of peoples, an identity memory, an emerging nation.
I, who was then at the forefront of this story that unfolded in the wake of my pen, I remember the many warnings that I made, wherever possible, so that it does not happen .
De Jonquière, La Baie, Shipshaw, Lac-Kénogami, Canton-Tremblay, Chicoutimi-Nord ... Chicoutimi, there is indeed little ten years after this societal breakdown which has reduced the mother-city of Chicoutimi, the great sacrifice of the history, cultural and economic anemia and the vindication of its neighbors who despise him are fools and yet much of the benefits they have gained since the disastrous merger of February 18, 2002. If Jonquière, which is not a party without dowry, has anything to complain about side memory, what should we then think of Chicoutimi, which has become the stepchild of this amalgam poisoned, the big loser of this forced marriage?! I still have the pride of having written when times were required, which should be written so that our children have the memory for our descendants is not subject to the sole memory of immigrants who began take place in the abyss of identity that our intellectual laziness, filth our individuality and our laissez-faire ended up digging.
Saguenay city frozen in a block of gelatin!
However, there is, fortunately, my books and authenticity that I have put it, without thinking of my own tomorrow. Since these words were written and in the light of the ink that has not yet dried up, my rejection of human mediocrity has not wavered one bit. To see the lethargy into which were stuck minds of this community, I feel like I live in a huge bowl of gelatin which care if it will take, or melt.
How not recrimination softness of the city council subject to the dictates of one, the feeble nature of these elected men and women who have neither the courage nor the relevance to defend our lost honor, our dignity and our birthright as the cradle of the history of the Saguenay?! Although the weariness of speaking into the void eventually catch me, how not to lament, once again, the effect of sclerosant political career that took root in our city halls and who have not understood that after four, five or six times their money is spent and must give way to others, wishing them better luck.
As animal species that have neither the character nor the will to respond to profound changes, like the dinosaurs that went extinct without anyone will be moved, our people amnesiac is dying before I finished puberty, before he could see his children run in the wheat fields he has planted. It is a misfortune to know and to live, and die a second time to be reduced to the point ...
- I live in a lake, fountain once, become
basin belt power and urinal;
- I live in a fjord lately garden
become desert, land and lacerated nest of vipers;
- I live in a forest, once lung
become paper, circular and claims;
- I lives in a house once joyful
become ugly, sad and fearful;
- I live a story, once fertile
become shameful, dull and faded;
- I live in a country once cathedral
become factory, bank and prison. Russel Bouchard

Death Bear!
"What else is there identity jonquiéroise? ", asks the journalist Daniel Côté, in a text published in the Progress-Sunday 22 August, where he deplores, rightly, loss of memory in his hometown that was absorbed into the fatal drift of municipal mergers Enforced by the PQ government of Lucien Bouchard? "The furniture was saved" concludes Côté consoling himself on some unfortunate cultural institutions that have miraculously survived the sinking. While it is still very insignificant few buildings and a travesty of cultural institutions to mask the edges of the crater it creates in our collective universe, but that does basically the words of journalist cruelly real, "identity jonquiéroise" was "lost forever". Indeed! Old Town is "became a district within a district, [it] only exists in memory of a handful of nostalgic and is no longer" a view of the spirit. "
What's more, if not to recall that this result was pathetic, once again, predictable because programmed reduce us to nothing in the national project. Because this part of the larger project of lobotomized Quebec strain has been announced and harshly criticized by some upset and worried minds, minds freer than others who have tried in vain to sound the alarm. Today, the text side demonstrates, history files the first words of his trial and conviction in absentia: -Here lies part of the founding people, Métis and French Canadian, who died without leaving traces for the benefit of masters stateless, their footmen and those who benefit.
Well done for us ! Had become involved, challenge, anger against those who wanted us dead, objecting to the project from those who wanted to make the skin because they had already sold to abroad. Stop crying over our misfortune, a part of this disaster we are collectively accountable.
Chicoutimi, the ghost town cannibalized by his sisters enemy!
These words are for me, a cruel relevance. They speak for all other cities foolishly sacrificed in this sad adventure. Precisely, in 1980, anticipating these forced mergers, I started to write the history of Municipalities. With stories of Chicoutimi-Nord, L'Anse-Saint-Jean and Val-Jalbert, I already saw the danger that this precipice of irrelevance politician was digging in for a total recklessness citizen . I knew it had to happen in the next future too, and I told myself I had to shoot during the rescue, many pictures and as soon as possible of these memories alive before they pass away under the leadership of a political regime PQ completely disconnected from our regional reality and without understanding of what a place to live, a community of peoples, an identity memory, an emerging nation.
I, who was then at the forefront of this story that unfolded in the wake of my pen, I remember the many warnings that I made, wherever possible, so that it does not happen .
De Jonquière, La Baie, Shipshaw, Lac-Kénogami, Canton-Tremblay, Chicoutimi-Nord ... Chicoutimi, there is indeed little ten years after this societal breakdown which has reduced the mother-city of Chicoutimi, the great sacrifice of the history, cultural and economic anemia and the vindication of its neighbors who despise him are fools and yet much of the benefits they have gained since the disastrous merger of February 18, 2002. If Jonquière, which is not a party without dowry, has anything to complain about side memory, what should we then think of Chicoutimi, which has become the stepchild of this amalgam poisoned, the big loser of this forced marriage?! I still have the pride of having written when times were required, which should be written so that our children have the memory for our descendants is not subject to the sole memory of immigrants who began take place in the abyss of identity that our intellectual laziness, filth our individuality and our laissez-faire ended up digging.
Saguenay city frozen in a block of gelatin!
However, there is, fortunately, my books and authenticity that I have put it, without thinking of my own tomorrow. Since these words were written and in the light of the ink that has not yet dried up, my rejection of human mediocrity has not wavered one bit. To see the lethargy into which were stuck minds of this community, I feel like I live in a huge bowl of gelatin which care if it will take, or melt.
How not recrimination softness of the city council subject to the dictates of one, the feeble nature of these elected men and women who have neither the courage nor the relevance to defend our lost honor, our dignity and our birthright as the cradle of the history of the Saguenay?! Although the weariness of speaking into the void eventually catch me, how not to lament, once again, the effect of sclerosant political career that took root in our city halls and who have not understood that after four, five or six times their money is spent and must give way to others, wishing them better luck.
As animal species that have neither the character nor the will to respond to profound changes, like the dinosaurs that went extinct without anyone will be moved, our people amnesiac is dying before I finished puberty, before he could see his children run in the wheat fields he has planted. It is a misfortune to know and to live, and die a second time to be reduced to the point ...
- I live in a lake, fountain once, become
basin belt power and urinal;
- I live in a fjord lately garden
become desert, land and lacerated nest of vipers;
- I live in a forest, once lung
become paper, circular and claims;
- I lives in a house once joyful
become ugly, sad and fearful;
- I live a story, once fertile
become shameful, dull and faded;
- I live in a country once cathedral
become factory, bank and prison. Russel Bouchard
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
How To Use
I remember watching this in disbelief and thinking, well, this explains a lot. These people aren't just indulgent of their base. They're terrified of it. The birther movement is crazy. And even on a question of crazy, these sitting members of the United States Congress could not say what is obviously true and uncontroversial to normal earthlings. I'm confident very few of them actually buy this nonsense. But they know exactly what kind of plagues will be unleashed on them if they admit the truth.
Let's imagine that a right-wing reporter had asked 11 Democratic House members in 2002 whether George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had foreknowledge of the September 11 attacks and let them happen (an imprecise but rough analogy in that it is also, I believe, crazy). One or two Democrats might Have Played That One coy, by purpose and broad they'd Have Turned cartwheels disassociating Such A view from Themselves. Herein lies one of The Most important facts of Our Politics over the Past 20 Years: Republicans are terrified of Offending Even the fringe elements of Their database. Democrats are terrified of Being Associated With Their.
The Right Way to Please the Base: What the Left Can Learn from right-wing Extremists Michael Tomasky, August 11 21 010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Tamil Kalyanam Kavithai
Who else but himself Christian Will he use?
In "Dispersing the Fog," Paul Palango advance a hypothesis more specifies the reasons and circumstances of the retirement of Project Sidewinder. He claims that during a meeting stormy that followed the Director's statements to the RCMP, Zaccardelli and Chretien reportedly reached an agreement.
Project Sidewinder was removed, but Christian does not meddle in the affairs of the RCMP Zaccardelli had a free hand.
Shortly after that meeting, Zaccardelli has the endorsement of the federal Treasury Board for the purchase of two aircraft engines Piaggio P180 nine seats. The price of this Italian aircraft for the personal needs of the head of the RCMP: $ 10 million. Zaccardelli also spend $ 180 000 for the renovation of his office, including $ 42 000 for a bathroom with marble from Italy and gold sink. Another $ 30 000 will be spent on fine leather furniture Natuzzi.
The RCMP will also benefit from the sponsorship scandal as revealed by the Auditor General Sheila Fraser. The intelligence agency illegally will receive $ 3 million to celebrate its 125th anniversary and another 1.7 million, paid in a non-governmental, used to rent a train to party in Quebec, with all meals lavish expensive watered wine.
CSIS, China and Desmarais, Pierre Dubuc, July 2, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Synthetic Aint Polish
Aquinas was right
They missed their rendezvous with history (the referendums of 1980 and 1995). Today, demography is against them, plus they wallow in mediocrity. They withdraw into themselves. They resign. They even refuse the amorous encounter is ... damn, they have no future. Within a century or two, they will be drowned in the English-speaking continent. This will be the end of the adventure in French North America. (To reverse this trend would require a revolution, and everyone knows it is not a revolution in a society of abundance, a company too comfortable.) In writing this, I do not purpose to be negative. I express my deep feeling.
reply to comment Cloutov, Letter to immigrants, Jean-Sébastien Marsan, 13 May 2010
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