OSA's rainy trip to Durham!
Durham city three Michelin stars just 1:45 minutes of York Highway!
I ship at 8:30 am on the bus from the Overseas Students Association, surrounded by Asian martial ...

No luck, it's cold and rainy which is generally not a surprise in England, except when said rain is spread over several days already. Durham is very small: in all and all for some pretty narrow streets, a beautiful cathedral and a castle fun. But it is the framework that is worth a look, with views of postcard along the river when the weather is warmer. Probably a little overpriced, but for 4 pounds AC deserved morning!

View of the Cathedral, which was included tours some scenes of Harry Potter. And behind the cross, a precipice. Another view ...

is Norman's, what ... Or Roman. Anyway, an appropriate backdrop for filming the story of a sorcerer lived. Behind us, the castle. Which also serves as a dormitory!

And now the beast ...

Another view of the castle:

Along the river, found the corpse of a child witch hat. Asphyxiated by powder Unicorn, or some shit like this:

It's raining, whatever. It's been wet and it drops.

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