Three (Four?) Weeks have passed, and returned to Grenoble for a while and a lot of revisions ... So many lazy, but I finally made the right resolution to post some samples of Scotland. Under the snow for a week, two Megane Scenic, a huge budget, an organization moooonnnstrueuse and some special effects like: a glass roof that explodes, the Haggis sheep, green monsters under the snow and two or three deer in the background!
It starts fast by Edinburgh, which I visited for the third time! But for once, I spent more time on the bay and least in the downtown:

Here is the parliament building and the bizarre. People pass laws such as VAT on sheep or length kilts. We see also clearly below Nicolas Sarkozy Mac, a monologue about genetics, youth suicide and weakness ... (See Philo and Michel Onfray Magazine: you will understand)
Other shots of the beast:


And a view on the great Forth Bridge, an ancestor of the Golden Gate. I was passed in October, and then I go back in March!

Another Perspective:

It continues with a fossilized tree. Ok! I know that compared to the U.S. is pathetic, but in this case it is the largest in the United Kingdom.

And on the back, a view unique to Dean Village!

And now the serious stuff! We're going to the Highlands, Attention eyes!
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