OSA (Overseas Student Association) is one of several companies active on campus, and particularly popular with Asians. For the rest, we must believe that Europeans like to keep them ...
In any case the price of their trips are unbeatable and the quality far from the Made in Taiwan! So this Saturday was travel to Whitby, the town of Dracula.
Nice view of the harbor, down below with the "Old Town" with its narrow streets. Its narrow streets, whatever.
And if turns his head to right:
Here a street that reminds us of Montmartre and Paris, with a hint of disgust. (Because you have to be honest, Paris is bad enough anyway)
Mountain, stroke overview of the sea, the famous Whitby Abbey!
Cemetery in impressive surroundings:
Even cross to hunt the vampires!
So like paying £ 2.50 to see a (nice) ruin church is against my philosophy of life, I found a passage behind the entrance to climb the wall surrounding the field. It's easy, there is not even doing any effot, and suddenly it for free. No reason why a church, supposedly advocating charity and built by I-don't-know how many workers mangy, should be made pay! We love the culture, and we want the gratos ...
Another overview ...
Hop! Isa English and Rana (Lebanon) go into the field!
way down, lots of shops "special" on the docks.
I thought it was a parody ...
Cuckoo Jack Sparrow and Guybrush Threepwood:
And finally after the end ...
The sea