So let's recap: I saw the railway from Harry Potter, the castles of the Holy Grail and Highlander, Braveheart's sword , the pub or the Beatles' flagship Breaking The Waves ...
Meanwhile the village of Dracula next week, so I took the Coastliner C (Case ahead of Mark & Spencer, near the Shambles) to Malton and Castle Howard! The palace of Barry Lyndon!

The interior is very nice including a baroque hall well as it should and a tour of the rooms of the nineteenth century ... Alas cameras prohibited.
The exterior is also worth a look, with a lot of peacocks in heat:

It turns sometimes almost porn!

Or is it a sheep in disguise, I know ...

A friend of a closer look!

And finally found a map in the movie Barry Lyndon by Stanley Kubrick, almost the same spot!

And finally it ends with the usual Roman temples.

The days go by Sarkozia and pending legislation, everyone is happy and shuts up. After that will be the turn of the journalists ...
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