Mr. Hir
you're the one who opened my eyes to what the smoke screen corruption of the construction industry to hide the corruption of monks finance québecoise and Canada in their "casting" of the Caisse. The case
Michaud is not very far from the scheming of Desmarais to run Quebec. Michaud in his attack against the lack of transparency of banks and Power Corp., became invariably either the number 1 enemy of the establishment. Consequence: It had to pass Michaud reel of public opinion by becoming persona non grata, and the best way to do that was to accuse either of pedophilia (or sex offender) or anti-Semitism. Nothing less. Look
effects of this lie. Even if the censure motion was based on the vacuum, we can clearly see around us, doubt seep insidiously into the unconscious of Quebecers. When you know the courage and sense of service Michaud, such injustice gives heartache. It is even more revulsion when a deputation behind the dummy argument like "do not let the Liberal Party room to accuse the PQ of ethnicity." Pitiful
The 14th December, has become not the day of shame, but the day of affirmation speech citizen. It's more positive and constructive. The people do not need to recall shame but more strength within her.
Thank you for your contribution.
Comment: The PQ is trying to commit hara-kiri , Menestrelem, December 14, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Pokemon Soulsilver Freeze At Route 35
survey 2
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Do I Have An Hiv Test Before Go In Army
The PQ is trying to commit hara-kiri
December 14, 2010, by Tremblay Gébé
"must be illiterate or dishonest to refuse to understand that Mr. Michaud has criticized the Jews have no empathy for the suffering of non-Jews, defamation which are reminiscent of misanthropy attributed to Jewish people from ancient times until today. That "essentially" what was said Michaud. "
David Ouellette - Director, Research and New Media Quebec-Israel Committee
David Ouellette is the guru behind the new right in Quebec. You will see the site displayed on their sites and blogs.
Israel has called on all parties of the extreme right racist recently. Our media Quebec did not say a word!
It ' is no hara-kiri PQ, but a "controlled demolition". A 9 / 11 PQ.
I do not doubt for a second that David Ouellette takes tea regularly with the other Zionist extremist right-wing guru of Anglos, Howard Galganov in
My little Facal finger tells me that will go back Legault.
comment: The PQ is trying to commit hara-kiri , Gébé Tremblay, December 14, 2010
Heartburn Heart Murmurs
soldier of the web, 3. It never comes out
A journalist from Radio-Canada is well aware that it must accurately report practically everything tell Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ottawa, and the State Department in Washington. However, it should always question the views of the "bad guys", like Cuba, China or Iran
The machinery of disinformation and shaping beliefs Bernard Desgagné, December 13, 2010
A journalist from Radio-Canada is well aware that it must accurately report practically everything tell Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ottawa, and the State Department in Washington. However, it should always question the views of the "bad guys", like Cuba, China or Iran
The machinery of disinformation and shaping beliefs Bernard Desgagné, December 13, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sony Ericsson W595 Blueprints
jonquiérisée Chicoutimi finally! "Roadmap" of a Death Foretold ... A Quebec
Street Racine first
Chicoutimi makeover will at any cost and regardless of what citizens think! Let it be said once and for all! Depending on what emerges from the conclusions of the last visit of the mayor of Saguenay in France, so there will be Chicoutimiens and swallow in their cottages. It is unanimously decided by the only voice that permeates the city hall of the city " better managed in Québec "(dixit John Smith), Racine Street, which is the second oldest street in the region after the Sydenham Road, will be pedestrian and must compete with the most beautiful cities in France ... or it will be more!
Each time he crosses the ocean to get ideas in Europe, Mayor Jean Tremblay taste change everything and rewrite history in reverse. As he understands as he sees!
Still lucky he is not returning from Papua! ...
(Photo above, the bottom of the Racine Street in 1916 for the coast Bossé)
Racine Street pedestrian? The idea is not new, really. If my memory serves, it was before the years of the Great Depression, before the car does not come any pack, kids, pedestrians, drivers, horses. In that time, the Racine Street was not anything. Between two rows of ancient elms separated by a wide dirt street, the heart of the regional capital could not stop to grow in beauty. Good God it was beautiful my city! Journalist Catherine Delisle has moreover well noted in his commentary on November 28, published in the Progress-Sun: of "directors, without any foresight" has chosen to delete large sections of our heritage and our architecture. " Before making such a vacuum, what have we to show to tourists? What benefits will derive the last businesses that are struggling already? That will accrue to the citizen? And Satan! what will be abandoned parking pivèlent both sides of the root like a rusty old body?
The answer is obvious. Nothing! The empty call a vacuum.
Schematic of a Death Foretold
If you think you have seen the "tip of the tip" with this latest project of the mayor of Saguenay, think again. Chicoutimi is still not quite dead. Just take the time to read from cover to cover the other the "Second Draft Revised Land Development Plan," tabled in December 2009 (ie after the last municipal elections), to capture the fate of the current board City of Saguenay reserve the defunct town of Chicoutimi. The case is big, so big, I wonder if it is not already too late to stop the action of the poison that was injected into the heart of the city founder.
The most elementary located in this development plan which was debated in the manner of "Saguenay" clearly show, what was unthinkable during the merger of 2001: Chicoutimi, founded in 1676, is passing under the guardianship of the younger Jonquière, founded in 1847 from a portion of its territory. Impossible in a short space to explain everything. To appreciate the magnitude of the disaster that is prepared by our City Hall against Chicoutimi, I just to mention some figures out of the 1996 Census of Canada and compare them with those of the famous "Outline." These figures, placed one beside the other, speak for themselves:
In 1996, municipalities called to form the territory of the future city of Saguenay had 153.476 inhabitants. Of these, there were 63.061 inhabitants Chicoutimi (41.1% overall) against 56.503 (36.8% overall) for Jonquière. At the time, newspapers had a field day, Jonquière was losing ground and had even seen its population of melt 1.430 inhabitants (-2.5%) in five years while Chicoutimi had seen its population rise by 391 people (+0.6%). This erosion of the demographic weight of the Jonquiere increasing gap between the two hostile sisters of 6.558 inhabitants for Chicoutimi.
Chicoutimi, Jonquière backyard
But that was before the big merger of 2001, before John Smith opened the first meeting of the City Council this malformation what became City policy-Saguenay, before he began to dream big for 'his' town! Indeed, in the development plan referred above (a scheme by the way, which ideally should serve as an engine of development and pave the way for development Ville Saguenay) is how things have changed. Chicoutimi, the city-founder, has lost Chicoutimi-Nord and the Saint-Jean-Baptiste, never to become that ... "Chicoutimi-Sud". Consequently, the former city has only 36.090 of population, or 25.12% of the total (instead of its 35.74% as it should be the case in reality), while Jonquière, far be affected, is found as if by magic, the top of the urban scale with 49.337 inhabitants, or 34.34% of the population of Saguenay.
Other figures evocative. The area of Chicoutimi, which was originally urbanization perimeter, before the merger in 2001 of 61,926,080 (M2), collapses to 46,139,914 (M2) to deposit the "schema". And Jonquière, including urbanization perimeter respects curiously always that of the pre-merger, masterfully drawn wide underfoot with the Chicoutimi 64,397,762 (M2). These figures will have a decisive impact on our future in the short, medium and long term, when applying the "outline". Indeed, once this "scheme" as applied, the former city of Chicoutimi, lowered the state sector ... "Chicoutimi-Sud, finds itself with an area of 46,139,397 (M2), cons 59,158,245 (M2) in Jonquière, which will weigh on when all of our destiny ...
These figures alone are enough to thrill the Chicoutimiens who, exhausted, stripped by ten years of a forced merger, have lost even the name of their town to become, in this well curious pattern, citizens Sidelined by ... "Chicoutimi-Sud". While Jonquière, despite the collapse of its economy, made gains against nature which ensure its total domination over all. And if you think this is the only fault in it, you have not yet seen in its entirety, the development plan of the "schema" that the vast reserves in Jonquière, compared The crippled Chicoutimi.
the medium and long term, the result is inevitable and most consistent. It will be manifested by a rapid erosion of the natural dynamics of Chicoutimi in favor of dynamic artificial and over-subsidized Jonquière, doped with hormones of rapid growth, have managed to cheat on the history and recover most of the economic prerogatives, administrative and social ... Chicoutimi Chicoutimi
Street Racine first
Chicoutimi makeover will at any cost and regardless of what citizens think! Let it be said once and for all! Depending on what emerges from the conclusions of the last visit of the mayor of Saguenay in France, so there will be Chicoutimiens and swallow in their cottages. It is unanimously decided by the only voice that permeates the city hall of the city " better managed in Québec "(dixit John Smith), Racine Street, which is the second oldest street in the region after the Sydenham Road, will be pedestrian and must compete with the most beautiful cities in France ... or it will be more!
Each time he crosses the ocean to get ideas in Europe, Mayor Jean Tremblay taste change everything and rewrite history in reverse. As he understands as he sees!
Still lucky he is not returning from Papua! ...

Racine Street pedestrian? The idea is not new, really. If my memory serves, it was before the years of the Great Depression, before the car does not come any pack, kids, pedestrians, drivers, horses. In that time, the Racine Street was not anything. Between two rows of ancient elms separated by a wide dirt street, the heart of the regional capital could not stop to grow in beauty. Good God it was beautiful my city! Journalist Catherine Delisle has moreover well noted in his commentary on November 28, published in the Progress-Sun: of "directors, without any foresight" has chosen to delete large sections of our heritage and our architecture. " Before making such a vacuum, what have we to show to tourists? What benefits will derive the last businesses that are struggling already? That will accrue to the citizen? And Satan! what will be abandoned parking pivèlent both sides of the root like a rusty old body?
The answer is obvious. Nothing! The empty call a vacuum.
Schematic of a Death Foretold

The most elementary located in this development plan which was debated in the manner of "Saguenay" clearly show, what was unthinkable during the merger of 2001: Chicoutimi, founded in 1676, is passing under the guardianship of the younger Jonquière, founded in 1847 from a portion of its territory. Impossible in a short space to explain everything. To appreciate the magnitude of the disaster that is prepared by our City Hall against Chicoutimi, I just to mention some figures out of the 1996 Census of Canada and compare them with those of the famous "Outline." These figures, placed one beside the other, speak for themselves:
In 1996, municipalities called to form the territory of the future city of Saguenay had 153.476 inhabitants. Of these, there were 63.061 inhabitants Chicoutimi (41.1% overall) against 56.503 (36.8% overall) for Jonquière. At the time, newspapers had a field day, Jonquière was losing ground and had even seen its population of melt 1.430 inhabitants (-2.5%) in five years while Chicoutimi had seen its population rise by 391 people (+0.6%). This erosion of the demographic weight of the Jonquiere increasing gap between the two hostile sisters of 6.558 inhabitants for Chicoutimi.
Chicoutimi, Jonquière backyard

But that was before the big merger of 2001, before John Smith opened the first meeting of the City Council this malformation what became City policy-Saguenay, before he began to dream big for 'his' town! Indeed, in the development plan referred above (a scheme by the way, which ideally should serve as an engine of development and pave the way for development Ville Saguenay) is how things have changed. Chicoutimi, the city-founder, has lost Chicoutimi-Nord and the Saint-Jean-Baptiste, never to become that ... "Chicoutimi-Sud". Consequently, the former city has only 36.090 of population, or 25.12% of the total (instead of its 35.74% as it should be the case in reality), while Jonquière, far be affected, is found as if by magic, the top of the urban scale with 49.337 inhabitants, or 34.34% of the population of Saguenay.
Other figures evocative. The area of Chicoutimi, which was originally urbanization perimeter, before the merger in 2001 of 61,926,080 (M2), collapses to 46,139,914 (M2) to deposit the "schema". And Jonquière, including urbanization perimeter respects curiously always that of the pre-merger, masterfully drawn wide underfoot with the Chicoutimi 64,397,762 (M2). These figures will have a decisive impact on our future in the short, medium and long term, when applying the "outline". Indeed, once this "scheme" as applied, the former city of Chicoutimi, lowered the state sector ... "Chicoutimi-Sud, finds itself with an area of 46,139,397 (M2), cons 59,158,245 (M2) in Jonquière, which will weigh on when all of our destiny ...

the medium and long term, the result is inevitable and most consistent. It will be manifested by a rapid erosion of the natural dynamics of Chicoutimi in favor of dynamic artificial and over-subsidized Jonquière, doped with hormones of rapid growth, have managed to cheat on the history and recover most of the economic prerogatives, administrative and social ... Chicoutimi Chicoutimi
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Leah Dizon Gaijin Gaikokujin Tarento
down its history and stripped of his dreams!
A story that has become unpopular
Depending on what data indicate a recent study out of nowhere, it appears now that 23% of college students 'only' (emphasis added) following history courses while attending college, and that, of those, "only" 8% (I stresses still) discover an interest in the history of Quebec. Offered as well, with such epithets, these figures do not mean that I deny, however, induce more than they reveal. On the one hand, they lead to the conclusion, without getting lost in the nuances that young Quebecers are totally disconnected from the story (and especially that of Quebec), and if they are so far the guilty everything is already cooked in advance.
"The teaching of history is also deficient in college and high school" denounces President Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Mario Beaulieu. "The current situation is alarming and requires urgent intervention of the government" , added the president of the foundation Lionel-Groulx, Claude Beland, who emphasizes that a petition circulating on this subject. When you spread such data without compromising the recitals are not suggesting that to stimulate debate in this regard in the hope of correcting a distressing gap and put the story on the program. It imposes a conclusion by induction and is seeking membership of all in this situation without taking the time to explain! We declares state of emergency, you shake the scarecrow and it is suggested to appeal to Parliament that the culprit is well suited.
Where is the debate?
statistics that should be severely questioned
Today, who would dare to challenge what is crying, the story of favor in our schools. However, where this disease is endemic it's first roots? Whose fault? In decadent government of Jean Charest? The education system just as decadent who conspired with different governments to get out the story of his programs? Colleges to which you made the blame for having become the halls waiting? Intellectual laziness or a youth who was trapped in this dangerous? And since we're in this denunciation that points the finger only glaring deficiencies in secondary and college, where are the universities? After emptying their program of what was once their strength (the humanities), to focus on the creation of wealth, the houses of higher learning they have done nothing wrong? Should they relieve all responsibilities because we hear the cries out precisely its walls?
If you want my opinion, 23% of the students (all sources!) Who learn the values of history in all directions, it is still not there in a Quebec that is multiculturalism dangerously in Quebec which has consistently anglicized and, stupidly, leaves room for recent arrivals who bring with them a memory that odious system of education, on behalf of a false openness, has undertaken enter in its register! In my view, the problem is not so much in numbers (relatively small) of students enrolled in this program in the amount and nature of the efforts of both sides. Consequently, a viable answer to the decline of historical thinking among us can be found in the quality of an academic approach québécois, in stimulating minds by those who are mandated to do, and in way to give back to history with a capital "H" all its nobility. My first concern is, indeed, that of excellence! The quality and authenticity will be the first concerned well will find their account and the others will fit snugly in the passage.
were good times!
When I was in CEGEP de Jonquière in 1969 and 1970, the question does not even arise. Those who wanted to do a bit of a career in this sport to fashion, enlisted for three years. It was a necessary to enroll in a social studies program and to pursue the same path to the University until his graduation from Undergraduate or a Bachelor of Arts History. We had over politics sociology, geography, philosophy and, of course, history. We went there or you do not go! If we go there, we went out enriched by the great door of excellence. It came up, nourished by a common ideal which kept a simple pride and collective paving the way for the project company that furnished the spirit of the Quiet Revolution and stimulated the nationalist debate, on both sides. We learned at the same time claim that we learn to measure our knowledge and weigh the ideas of others in the chaos of the debate that we respect the rules fairly well. It was the
good time and we do not know. We did not even need to think about it. Things were under! Our skills and our tastes for history and the humanities in general marked the path. If we go there, the college, by the richness of its program, had something to offer. He prepared the minds for the university which had the dual mission, to complete their training and help them thrive in this niche. The institutions of higher education had a concern then sovereign: education, full stop. They were not for sale. They had not melted in projects of international high finance that eventually seize the institutional mechanisms, levers and economic destiny of Quebec.
The process of higher education institutions was part of an effort to free the history of Quebec archaic ideological guardianship which blocked access to modernity. They formed the simple minds who, in turn, furnish the mind of the nation, and they invited them to build, by their questioning and learning, the society of tomorrow.
Quebec A patient's history, its institutions and its elites
In that time, Quebec universities, the quality and richness of their program, stimulated the needs and appetites of the entire school system, the first year at the end of college. As such, the University accounted for all to see an undeniable attraction, the ultimate meeting place for intellectuals in the making. In those days, memory was a sense that was in that of the Quebec nation that boasted, rightly, to be first and foremost a French Canadian, and certainly not multicultural. The newcomers took the time to say hello before settling permanently. They took pleasure in noting the habits, customs and history of their hosts. They learned good French and they agreed to make the effort to adapt, as appropriate, to the host society. The founding peoples, French Canadians, Metis and Indians to appoint well, made them the place, and following the history of Quebec itself was written in French please, thanks to the efforts and respect for all.
Over the years, colleges and universities have abandoned their humanity and the mission for which they were created. What we are experiencing today and regret in this respect is the fruit of a long and haunting drift that we have collectively submitted. Instead of writing history as all the people running, we suffer and diminish together all its attractions and we abandon the idea that others have of us.
In fact, let me say that even if things have changed for the worse in this decadent story that if the people have lost the love and interest in its history, we must also, a bit much, the elite French-Canadian the most prominent researchers and teachers of history in mind that in the early aftermath of the collapse of the 1995 referendum, have released their own people in the latrine of its history without worrying about what would happen to him in the hodgepodge Multiculturalism a denaturant. On the Quebec version of multiculturalism they (the elites) were applied to redefine the findings of a national commission on "reasonable accommodation" where he was officially recognized that the mere fact of itself as a member of the People founder of this emerging nation was now seen as a disgrace and infamy. With such a mess, should we be surprised today that three quarters of colleges have nothing to offer in history at their customer and know that the majority of college students "do not have minimum knowledge on their own company ?
In this regard, I am increasingly inclined to think that if Quebec eventually lose interest in history is that he has lost the thread and the taste and it s 'there confused. And if he finds it most is that it has been stripped of its meaning without account of the profound nature of his dreams, and without respect for what it is. Originally, I remember we were linked by a common language, culture, pride and a common dream in which all the French Canadians found themselves on the frontline. Today, this place is more common and interest in our national history is gone like the leaves of our maple trees in autumn taking. He lost in the petty ambitions of elites, institutions and opportunists who were far from worrying that they were sawing the branch on which they were seated and that they, too, would one day to face the rigors of winter ... they were preparing intellectual

A story that has become unpopular
Depending on what data indicate a recent study out of nowhere, it appears now that 23% of college students 'only' (emphasis added) following history courses while attending college, and that, of those, "only" 8% (I stresses still) discover an interest in the history of Quebec. Offered as well, with such epithets, these figures do not mean that I deny, however, induce more than they reveal. On the one hand, they lead to the conclusion, without getting lost in the nuances that young Quebecers are totally disconnected from the story (and especially that of Quebec), and if they are so far the guilty everything is already cooked in advance.
"The teaching of history is also deficient in college and high school" denounces President Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Mario Beaulieu. "The current situation is alarming and requires urgent intervention of the government" , added the president of the foundation Lionel-Groulx, Claude Beland, who emphasizes that a petition circulating on this subject. When you spread such data without compromising the recitals are not suggesting that to stimulate debate in this regard in the hope of correcting a distressing gap and put the story on the program. It imposes a conclusion by induction and is seeking membership of all in this situation without taking the time to explain! We declares state of emergency, you shake the scarecrow and it is suggested to appeal to Parliament that the culprit is well suited.
Where is the debate?
statistics that should be severely questioned
Today, who would dare to challenge what is crying, the story of favor in our schools. However, where this disease is endemic it's first roots? Whose fault? In decadent government of Jean Charest? The education system just as decadent who conspired with different governments to get out the story of his programs? Colleges to which you made the blame for having become the halls waiting? Intellectual laziness or a youth who was trapped in this dangerous? And since we're in this denunciation that points the finger only glaring deficiencies in secondary and college, where are the universities? After emptying their program of what was once their strength (the humanities), to focus on the creation of wealth, the houses of higher learning they have done nothing wrong? Should they relieve all responsibilities because we hear the cries out precisely its walls?
If you want my opinion, 23% of the students (all sources!) Who learn the values of history in all directions, it is still not there in a Quebec that is multiculturalism dangerously in Quebec which has consistently anglicized and, stupidly, leaves room for recent arrivals who bring with them a memory that odious system of education, on behalf of a false openness, has undertaken enter in its register! In my view, the problem is not so much in numbers (relatively small) of students enrolled in this program in the amount and nature of the efforts of both sides. Consequently, a viable answer to the decline of historical thinking among us can be found in the quality of an academic approach québécois, in stimulating minds by those who are mandated to do, and in way to give back to history with a capital "H" all its nobility. My first concern is, indeed, that of excellence! The quality and authenticity will be the first concerned well will find their account and the others will fit snugly in the passage.
were good times!
When I was in CEGEP de Jonquière in 1969 and 1970, the question does not even arise. Those who wanted to do a bit of a career in this sport to fashion, enlisted for three years. It was a necessary to enroll in a social studies program and to pursue the same path to the University until his graduation from Undergraduate or a Bachelor of Arts History. We had over politics sociology, geography, philosophy and, of course, history. We went there or you do not go! If we go there, we went out enriched by the great door of excellence. It came up, nourished by a common ideal which kept a simple pride and collective paving the way for the project company that furnished the spirit of the Quiet Revolution and stimulated the nationalist debate, on both sides. We learned at the same time claim that we learn to measure our knowledge and weigh the ideas of others in the chaos of the debate that we respect the rules fairly well. It was the
good time and we do not know. We did not even need to think about it. Things were under! Our skills and our tastes for history and the humanities in general marked the path. If we go there, the college, by the richness of its program, had something to offer. He prepared the minds for the university which had the dual mission, to complete their training and help them thrive in this niche. The institutions of higher education had a concern then sovereign: education, full stop. They were not for sale. They had not melted in projects of international high finance that eventually seize the institutional mechanisms, levers and economic destiny of Quebec.
The process of higher education institutions was part of an effort to free the history of Quebec archaic ideological guardianship which blocked access to modernity. They formed the simple minds who, in turn, furnish the mind of the nation, and they invited them to build, by their questioning and learning, the society of tomorrow.
Quebec A patient's history, its institutions and its elites
In that time, Quebec universities, the quality and richness of their program, stimulated the needs and appetites of the entire school system, the first year at the end of college. As such, the University accounted for all to see an undeniable attraction, the ultimate meeting place for intellectuals in the making. In those days, memory was a sense that was in that of the Quebec nation that boasted, rightly, to be first and foremost a French Canadian, and certainly not multicultural. The newcomers took the time to say hello before settling permanently. They took pleasure in noting the habits, customs and history of their hosts. They learned good French and they agreed to make the effort to adapt, as appropriate, to the host society. The founding peoples, French Canadians, Metis and Indians to appoint well, made them the place, and following the history of Quebec itself was written in French please, thanks to the efforts and respect for all.
Over the years, colleges and universities have abandoned their humanity and the mission for which they were created. What we are experiencing today and regret in this respect is the fruit of a long and haunting drift that we have collectively submitted. Instead of writing history as all the people running, we suffer and diminish together all its attractions and we abandon the idea that others have of us.
In fact, let me say that even if things have changed for the worse in this decadent story that if the people have lost the love and interest in its history, we must also, a bit much, the elite French-Canadian the most prominent researchers and teachers of history in mind that in the early aftermath of the collapse of the 1995 referendum, have released their own people in the latrine of its history without worrying about what would happen to him in the hodgepodge Multiculturalism a denaturant. On the Quebec version of multiculturalism they (the elites) were applied to redefine the findings of a national commission on "reasonable accommodation" where he was officially recognized that the mere fact of itself as a member of the People founder of this emerging nation was now seen as a disgrace and infamy. With such a mess, should we be surprised today that three quarters of colleges have nothing to offer in history at their customer and know that the majority of college students "do not have minimum knowledge on their own company ?
In this regard, I am increasingly inclined to think that if Quebec eventually lose interest in history is that he has lost the thread and the taste and it s 'there confused. And if he finds it most is that it has been stripped of its meaning without account of the profound nature of his dreams, and without respect for what it is. Originally, I remember we were linked by a common language, culture, pride and a common dream in which all the French Canadians found themselves on the frontline. Today, this place is more common and interest in our national history is gone like the leaves of our maple trees in autumn taking. He lost in the petty ambitions of elites, institutions and opportunists who were far from worrying that they were sawing the branch on which they were seated and that they, too, would one day to face the rigors of winter ... they were preparing intellectual
Monday, November 8, 2010
Calendar Of Wide Hips
Potash Corp., the Sagueneens have dodged ... this time!
The map shows three areas of Lake Paul, where is the largest known reserves of phosphorus in Quebec. Source: Arianne Resources Inc..
Potash Corp., the Sagueneens have dodged ... this time!
On November 3, following fierce opposition from Saskatchewan and the opposition headquarters in Ottawa, Prime Minister Stephen Harper decided to block the attempted hostile takeover of global giant extraction and sale of potash by the Australian company BHP Bilton. It is not only the people of Saskatchewan who have dodged this 30-day deferred under this forced decision to padlock; Sagueneens too! Because it would continue to believe that we live on another planet to think that the reserve of phosphorus in Lake Paul (one of the 3 components of fertilizers), whose claims have been recovered by the company Arianne Resources Inc.. Are not in the eye of the Asian tiger who has embraced stock by subsidiaries interposed, to appropriate all that resource as vital and strategic.
For those who do not know, remember that the pool of phosphorus in Lake Paul is located approximately 40 km east of the central Chute-des-Passes and some 160 km from Saint-Ludger de-Milot. For now, the presumed potential coveted by Arianne Corp. totaled some 500 million tons (data Bernard Lapointe Arianne Corp.). At $ 400 per ton, as was already seen at the top of his form is far from the iron Duplessis, 3 cents per ton, however, has contributed greatly to the development of Quebec to the Revolution quiet. And for those who do not know what to do with this heritage, it suffices to say that phosphorus is in modern agriculture is that water in hydro-electricity and oil at Hummer. Without phosphorus (which account for one third of the fertilizer *), agriculture, as we know it today, is no longer valid. And I try not to speculate here on the power it grants bellicose countries like the United States and Russia, as the phosphorus is also essential in military use. After leaving
spun our hydro-eletric power for the benefit of the Hydro-Quebec and Rio-Tinto-Alcan who do not care us and our needs, after having abandoned all our aboriginal title and our royalty on the forest for the benefit of Abitibi-Bowater is put away their pockets leaving us wood chips to burn as a last resort; after blowing our copper, our diamonds and our gold for profit companies boursificotteuses; in this haunting story of depredation of natural resources, and the Saguenéens Jeannois will they let it slip for profiteers people, this strategic resource without posing awkward questions for those who govern us and selling off our resources?? Are we simply
crazy? Or just idiots? ...
To understand how, once again, our future is threatened with these proposed takeover of another natural resource that we have in abundance, I suggest you read the pamphlet Folliet Luke, "Nauru, the island devastated, "published in paperback (140 pages), published by La Découverte / Poche, Paris, 2009-2010. I say no more. As you make the effort. Give you two wee hours of reading, and understand how capitalist civilization has destroyed the richest country in the world. It is the small island of Nauru, a small Pacific Republic South, which in the 1970s, had a standard of living, per capita, surpassing that of the UAE and its neighbors enriched by the black gold, in these years of grace, the GDP exceeded U.S. $ 20 000 capita. Thirty years later, potash finally exhausted, the desolation on that island! Anything goes, the inhabitants flee, the ancient culture has exploded, and people who are awaiting death by feeding on agricultural products ... from elsewhere, for products that have been fattened with their potash ...
must read for those who failing die impoverished by the fault of governments, do not intend to die totally stupid ...
* In the fertilizer known commercially as the "20-20-20, we find, by volume: 1 / 3 + potash third phosphorus + 1 / 3 of nitrogen.
** The author of these lines takes the time to thank Mr. Bernard Lapointe, Arianne Corp.. Chicoutimi, who has kindly agreed to answer his questions.

Potash Corp., the Sagueneens have dodged ... this time!
On November 3, following fierce opposition from Saskatchewan and the opposition headquarters in Ottawa, Prime Minister Stephen Harper decided to block the attempted hostile takeover of global giant extraction and sale of potash by the Australian company BHP Bilton. It is not only the people of Saskatchewan who have dodged this 30-day deferred under this forced decision to padlock; Sagueneens too! Because it would continue to believe that we live on another planet to think that the reserve of phosphorus in Lake Paul (one of the 3 components of fertilizers), whose claims have been recovered by the company Arianne Resources Inc.. Are not in the eye of the Asian tiger who has embraced stock by subsidiaries interposed, to appropriate all that resource as vital and strategic.
For those who do not know, remember that the pool of phosphorus in Lake Paul is located approximately 40 km east of the central Chute-des-Passes and some 160 km from Saint-Ludger de-Milot. For now, the presumed potential coveted by Arianne Corp. totaled some 500 million tons (data Bernard Lapointe Arianne Corp.). At $ 400 per ton, as was already seen at the top of his form is far from the iron Duplessis, 3 cents per ton, however, has contributed greatly to the development of Quebec to the Revolution quiet. And for those who do not know what to do with this heritage, it suffices to say that phosphorus is in modern agriculture is that water in hydro-electricity and oil at Hummer. Without phosphorus (which account for one third of the fertilizer *), agriculture, as we know it today, is no longer valid. And I try not to speculate here on the power it grants bellicose countries like the United States and Russia, as the phosphorus is also essential in military use. After leaving
spun our hydro-eletric power for the benefit of the Hydro-Quebec and Rio-Tinto-Alcan who do not care us and our needs, after having abandoned all our aboriginal title and our royalty on the forest for the benefit of Abitibi-Bowater is put away their pockets leaving us wood chips to burn as a last resort; after blowing our copper, our diamonds and our gold for profit companies boursificotteuses; in this haunting story of depredation of natural resources, and the Saguenéens Jeannois will they let it slip for profiteers people, this strategic resource without posing awkward questions for those who govern us and selling off our resources?? Are we simply
crazy? Or just idiots? ...
To understand how, once again, our future is threatened with these proposed takeover of another natural resource that we have in abundance, I suggest you read the pamphlet Folliet Luke, "Nauru, the island devastated, "published in paperback (140 pages), published by La Découverte / Poche, Paris, 2009-2010. I say no more. As you make the effort. Give you two wee hours of reading, and understand how capitalist civilization has destroyed the richest country in the world. It is the small island of Nauru, a small Pacific Republic South, which in the 1970s, had a standard of living, per capita, surpassing that of the UAE and its neighbors enriched by the black gold, in these years of grace, the GDP exceeded U.S. $ 20 000 capita. Thirty years later, potash finally exhausted, the desolation on that island! Anything goes, the inhabitants flee, the ancient culture has exploded, and people who are awaiting death by feeding on agricultural products ... from elsewhere, for products that have been fattened with their potash ...

* In the fertilizer known commercially as the "20-20-20, we find, by volume: 1 / 3 + potash third phosphorus + 1 / 3 of nitrogen.
** The author of these lines takes the time to thank Mr. Bernard Lapointe, Arianne Corp.. Chicoutimi, who has kindly agreed to answer his questions.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Walkies Talkies Paintball
Homosexual men go far beyond that concerning the physical relationship.
It affects their willingness to support each other even when they are at war, if a woman seeks to occupy a place they think they reserved the right transcendent.
And when they do not make war, they fall into a swoon at the greatness of their works each other.
Take the time to read the footnotes of a book page and you will see they are almost certainly references to any work of their male colleagues, even when women excel in their fields.
However, Ms. Marois is woefully not better than his predecessors in the development of a strategy based on promoting independence. For her as for others, the exercise of power at any cost is the primary goal, and unfortunately, the ultimate.
Andrée Ferretti
In a television interview that I had the chance to see there are some thirty years, the member Margaret Bain, the Scottish National Party, elected to Parliament at Westminster, said that the Scottish independence is blocked by a majority of women: "They are conservative with a small" c ", she says.
So they seek safety with a small" s ".
And who castrated so many men in their early age, so to prohibit them from taking off and take initiatives that change the world and lead him toward his destiny? Standing and successful a man must have balls, heart and head.
In another television interview, Genevieve Bujold said that independence will come hard because Quebecers lack balls.
Who has castrated?
I have seen too many men who refuse to leave mommy's skirt and can not take risks at least calculated and thereby literally do the impossible.
The homosexual is a castrated man among many who responds by appealing to other men for support.
is the opposite of human pillar, which supports men, women and children, who can rely on at any time by a people who take the risk of the great adventures of life.
This is the man Diogenes was looking for and we are still looking for that Quebec should become a state with the capital, whatever the risks.
pillar that man is biologically female does not change: "I ccoeur and the head of a man" said St. Teresa of Avila, and the famous Hildegard von Bingen, which you can see a preview Life in Atwater film in a movie directed by von Trotta Margharet.
So ... So ... So ... what? So ... darity male, so ... ttise or vanity? Nicole Hebert Opinion Vigil, Oct. 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Brazilian Wax Koh San
Democratic drift in Saguenay, whose fault? Neither Indian nor
Heat stroke of Mayor Tremblay
Saguenay Mayor loses it and rebuffed a reporter for Radio-Canada, which would have pushed a bit too hard in her office! Reasons cited by the chief magistrate of the city, the journalist who met him at his office in the People's House as part of the issue of public interest "The Bill" would have happened ... with "some very well prepared for the city look bad. " At its very epidermal reaction to hand the bearer of the microphone in his place, it is clear that the Mayor did not appreciate at all that the caller is returned with tainted records Loblaws, BTF and Bertrand Girard, three sharp stones that it drags along with many others in his patent leather shoes and whose story will remind him well! Honestly! Can we, in a healthy democracy, where intelligence and wit prevail, blame a journalist for being too ... well prepared to do its job? The answer is obvious ...
Notice therefore to journalists who intend to meet the mayor of Saguenay soon to hold him accountable on his way to administer public affairs. If you want to leave his office on two legs with all your dignity and be free of libel (because the mayor has threatened to get tough with this ultimate channel cons journalists RC which contravenes the law on public information passed by the National Assembly). If you want to pass the test of a good interview docile pupil, you should instead raise the tax rate which in his opinion compares admirably to other merged cities of Quebec must not omit to place in your list of accolades the pier which, indeed, fulfills part of the void left by the demise of the pulp mill in Port Alfred, you still need to raise the relevance of the renovation of two plants of the river Chicoutimi who will win dividend of $ significant to our city and especially it is important not to forget the five car he commandeered for "people first" next to the entrance of our town hall, where the citizen gets to go pay his taxes and fines. Whether we like it or
not the type of management of Mayor Tremblay, who force us to recognize, the wick has become shorter since his arrival at City Hall in November 1997, we must admit that these days our chief magistrate did not need a journalist too well prepared (sic) to look bad in his town that he improperly confounded with his own image. It also symbolizes the relentlessness that Mayor Tremblay deployed to express his Catholic faith before the Bouchard-Taylor ignoring the fact that all citizens of Saguenay do not necessarily share their faith and have more than one been humbled to see and represent. It was only rehashing history classes patronized it has served us for years to community television. One need only see how was warped and perverted the consultation-canister concocted by City Hall on the construction of an auditorium at Chicoutimi. And it was only remember the completely absurd statement that Mayor Tremblay made last year, the Salon du Livre de Jonquière, where he was guest speaker against the sustainability of traditional books, while publishers and authors before the francophones are struggling Internet fear the arrival of the electronic book.
Democratic deficit and municipal Parlementeries
In my case, heat stroke Mayor Tremblay and his way to react very temperamental opposition that is trying to show somehow through some media, do not make me a shadow of a fold on the left buttock! If the mayor Tremblay wants to make a fool of him, too bad for him, he will deserve what is coming inevitably! But the mayor Tremblay used the pretext of the image of the city to justify its behavior against juveniles to everyone, it bothers me to the first title because I am in this city and I do not like that you take me hostage and neither for nor a buffoon.
What bothers me, in the first chicane in this protracted and falsely leads to nothing good for all citizens, is to see the ultimate and unchallenged place that today is elected on the municipal political scene. It is understood that if this whole place is first and foremost because the political machinery designed to prevent the sorts of excesses are not working ... or rather do not work! And what interests me in this regard is to understand the whys of this democratic failure never ceases to fester and to debilitate??
But where have all the citizens?
How is it the aldermen, however, elected from the perspective of balancing the democratic forces in the presence and with a specific code of laws based on the 175-year history of our municipal system, have become so ineffective today, also absent the public policy debate, as useless when it comes time to oppose the dictates of one who struts, scapular neck and crucifix in hand, standard-bearer of the Democratic municipal control it like a little King of Junk? How did we get here? Whose fault is of such a drift? If the problem is there, real, and it is easy to pinpoint the troublemaker who does not lack for a shine in his way, the answer is less obvious. It brings us back to that place the citizen recitals, as individual corporate and democratic institutions which we have, in the heart of the matter.
Could it be that having created a class of professional magistrates (sic) that cling like leeches to their position for five, six or seven terms, there is something to do? This problem, could we not pay at the next election? How is it that some media, I will not name, were so attentive an ear to the mayor, while others have trouble with him? Could it be that the media, the more complacent and more malleable, thrive with the funds of the city as a reward, while others, less complacent and less malleable, receive only the crumbs in punishment? Could be that the press, spoken or written, is not completely pure in this regard? How is it that people do not react more effectively in public debate? Should we blame in this regard, poverty remarks that reflect some of the regulars period questions Monday at City Hall?
In the present state of affairs, since the gnashing of teeth no longer have any impact on subsequent events, why not laugh while we can still do? Why not a "Parlementeries" City that would allow us to illustrate the roles played by each actor and to make people aware that in a democracy, everyone has a role to play and that it is through commitment and effort that can cause all the desired changes.

Heat stroke of Mayor Tremblay
Saguenay Mayor loses it and rebuffed a reporter for Radio-Canada, which would have pushed a bit too hard in her office! Reasons cited by the chief magistrate of the city, the journalist who met him at his office in the People's House as part of the issue of public interest "The Bill" would have happened ... with "some very well prepared for the city look bad. " At its very epidermal reaction to hand the bearer of the microphone in his place, it is clear that the Mayor did not appreciate at all that the caller is returned with tainted records Loblaws, BTF and Bertrand Girard, three sharp stones that it drags along with many others in his patent leather shoes and whose story will remind him well! Honestly! Can we, in a healthy democracy, where intelligence and wit prevail, blame a journalist for being too ... well prepared to do its job? The answer is obvious ...
Notice therefore to journalists who intend to meet the mayor of Saguenay soon to hold him accountable on his way to administer public affairs. If you want to leave his office on two legs with all your dignity and be free of libel (because the mayor has threatened to get tough with this ultimate channel cons journalists RC which contravenes the law on public information passed by the National Assembly). If you want to pass the test of a good interview docile pupil, you should instead raise the tax rate which in his opinion compares admirably to other merged cities of Quebec must not omit to place in your list of accolades the pier which, indeed, fulfills part of the void left by the demise of the pulp mill in Port Alfred, you still need to raise the relevance of the renovation of two plants of the river Chicoutimi who will win dividend of $ significant to our city and especially it is important not to forget the five car he commandeered for "people first" next to the entrance of our town hall, where the citizen gets to go pay his taxes and fines. Whether we like it or
not the type of management of Mayor Tremblay, who force us to recognize, the wick has become shorter since his arrival at City Hall in November 1997, we must admit that these days our chief magistrate did not need a journalist too well prepared (sic) to look bad in his town that he improperly confounded with his own image. It also symbolizes the relentlessness that Mayor Tremblay deployed to express his Catholic faith before the Bouchard-Taylor ignoring the fact that all citizens of Saguenay do not necessarily share their faith and have more than one been humbled to see and represent. It was only rehashing history classes patronized it has served us for years to community television. One need only see how was warped and perverted the consultation-canister concocted by City Hall on the construction of an auditorium at Chicoutimi. And it was only remember the completely absurd statement that Mayor Tremblay made last year, the Salon du Livre de Jonquière, where he was guest speaker against the sustainability of traditional books, while publishers and authors before the francophones are struggling Internet fear the arrival of the electronic book.

Democratic deficit and municipal Parlementeries
In my case, heat stroke Mayor Tremblay and his way to react very temperamental opposition that is trying to show somehow through some media, do not make me a shadow of a fold on the left buttock! If the mayor Tremblay wants to make a fool of him, too bad for him, he will deserve what is coming inevitably! But the mayor Tremblay used the pretext of the image of the city to justify its behavior against juveniles to everyone, it bothers me to the first title because I am in this city and I do not like that you take me hostage and neither for nor a buffoon.
What bothers me, in the first chicane in this protracted and falsely leads to nothing good for all citizens, is to see the ultimate and unchallenged place that today is elected on the municipal political scene. It is understood that if this whole place is first and foremost because the political machinery designed to prevent the sorts of excesses are not working ... or rather do not work! And what interests me in this regard is to understand the whys of this democratic failure never ceases to fester and to debilitate??
But where have all the citizens?
How is it the aldermen, however, elected from the perspective of balancing the democratic forces in the presence and with a specific code of laws based on the 175-year history of our municipal system, have become so ineffective today, also absent the public policy debate, as useless when it comes time to oppose the dictates of one who struts, scapular neck and crucifix in hand, standard-bearer of the Democratic municipal control it like a little King of Junk? How did we get here? Whose fault is of such a drift? If the problem is there, real, and it is easy to pinpoint the troublemaker who does not lack for a shine in his way, the answer is less obvious. It brings us back to that place the citizen recitals, as individual corporate and democratic institutions which we have, in the heart of the matter.
Could it be that having created a class of professional magistrates (sic) that cling like leeches to their position for five, six or seven terms, there is something to do? This problem, could we not pay at the next election? How is it that some media, I will not name, were so attentive an ear to the mayor, while others have trouble with him? Could it be that the media, the more complacent and more malleable, thrive with the funds of the city as a reward, while others, less complacent and less malleable, receive only the crumbs in punishment? Could be that the press, spoken or written, is not completely pure in this regard? How is it that people do not react more effectively in public debate? Should we blame in this regard, poverty remarks that reflect some of the regulars period questions Monday at City Hall?
In the present state of affairs, since the gnashing of teeth no longer have any impact on subsequent events, why not laugh while we can still do? Why not a "Parlementeries" City that would allow us to illustrate the roles played by each actor and to make people aware that in a democracy, everyone has a role to play and that it is through commitment and effort that can cause all the desired changes.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Canon Pixma Errore 5010
French Canadian, but Metisse and several
Image "The Hunt for moose," by Cornelius Krieghoff, Brooklyn Museum
Neither Indian nor French Canadian, but Métis and solidarity! This meeting of minds and people that sit on the foundation of the Quebec nation today, even Groulx, who did not laugh with miscegenation, saw it and was able to take the time to in draw, in his way, the peripheries of his soul. Rightly, the author of "Our master the Past" has never denied brag that "You can be the historian of his generation" which each generation must repeat its history and each generation inevitably reactionary figure in the eyes of the one that follows. That historians of my generation who were comfortably asleep in the ease of historiographical consensus, taking note to ensure more ...
For masters of Canada, who have succeeded over the insults of history is always the last entrant who receives the honors of the occupier and who deserves the ultimate privilege not to be denied in As a member of any ethno-cultural community. If history is a fellow who is still selling to the highest bidder, no lack never one to carry high the banner of justice and freedom. If the political and legal, that shape their discretion, now recognize that Indians are the result of the meeting of continents and interbreeding, they are a race sui generis and that they deserve to be protected assimilation. They must also accept the consideration that, conscious and proud of the difference in the Aboriginal, is said rather Metis, and they give him the same rights, respect and equal recognition in the womb of the state. When
bell tolling the end of French colonialism in northern North America, autochthony who became so well received at the point of being unrecognizable. Certainly Indianness survived heartbreak and misery in this inevitable clash of continents, but we are forced to recognize, it is no longer the sole right to claim the benefits of "savagery" she now shares with Children born to this meeting. While in Quebec in early August 1749 the Swedish naturalist Pehr Kalm (1716 † 1779) notes in this regard, that "the Indians of Canada now have their blood mixed deeply than Europeans and a majority of Indians now living originate first in Europe. " And there is no counterpart on the side of the colonizers: " We know also several examples of French who voluntarily married native women and have adopted their lifestyle, he says, but we did not an example is an Indian or a European united and took his way of life ... "*
The result will give him the full right ...
Although this observation point is particularly aimed at "Indians" settled in the region of Quebec under the French regime, and it describes the ethno-cultural reality of the Huron of Lorette, the picture that emerges gives thanks to the distance traveled by a century and a half in the outlying regions. However, if the settlement takes Laurentian clearly benefit from this fusion of races. If it regularly takes note of the importance of this character trait is involved in all of Quebec society in which one or the other claim, This does not mean that it is prepared to abdicate its Euro-Canadian culture in favor of Canada-Native American culture, and admit that this great meeting of civilizations has also been the source of this new humanity that feels and does is said or completely Indian nor completely Canadian, but simply because it is new and different is the inevitable result.
Historian Groulx whole it is ethnocentric in its approach, and despite all the effort he put into his rhetoric to obscure the fact that Métis drowns in his "race" French-Canadian But is he too much pride to admit the existence of two cultural streams within the same "race" that has survived the drama of the Conquest and which has ceased to be recomposed by leveraging new ethnic contributions from Scotland, Germany and the Netherlands. When you know all the rage he has deployed to castigate those who dare mention the extent of interbreeding Indian-Canadian in Canada when the French were the masters, one can only wonder that it took also the time to praise the rich nature of the ancestors and to extol "the rare duplication of their abilities. "
*** "It is almost two races, two peoples. In one, the love of the soil clinging to the stubborn, passionate, hard to shake the earth, shaping a country's belief that we can do great on a small square of a few acres, that land common, and that the country is born, the humble work of each, to carve a corner like a jewel, if necessary, heroic death, to the position opposite the barbarian, as a sentry, a soldier in avant-garde sum, a heroic job, but in settling social horizons defined by ; The taste of winning, but step by step, steadily, by the advance of harvest and steeples.
And the other human type, the latter powerless to remain in place while legal projections. No more taste of collective heroism, teamwork, disciplined, but the adventure alone, personal risk, a juggernaut to charge into the unknown, to blow, step by step, the mask of the old America, and each new articulation geographical gain momentum more impetuous move, as long as there is water, so there a land that is hidden, to carve out a land area, s'esbroufer at ease. And yet this work relate to each other, accomplish the same concern for humanity, advancing with a passion to rival, to contain and defeat a commercial competition, but also offer a friendly hand to the man that is discovered, and each of its advances, score counters and military forts, but also crosses and chapels. In a word, besides those who build solid, great build, as should be to build, in the seventeenth century, the son of the first nation of the world beyond the humble and peaceful picture of the Laurentian valley, brushing a huge historical epic, giving the pastoral country, land of peaceful life, an extension of dream, a permanent invitation to boldness. "**
Notes: *
Jacques Rousseau and Guy Béthune Travel Pehr Kalm in Canada in 1749, Pierre Tisseyre, 1977, pp. 250-251.
** Lionel Groulx, "The French Canadian race," in Séraphin Marion and Watson Kirkconnell, The Quebec Tradition / Tradition Quebec, Les Editions Lumen Humanitas Collection, Montreal, 1946, pp. 162-166.

Neither Indian nor French Canadian, but Métis and solidarity! This meeting of minds and people that sit on the foundation of the Quebec nation today, even Groulx, who did not laugh with miscegenation, saw it and was able to take the time to in draw, in his way, the peripheries of his soul. Rightly, the author of "Our master the Past" has never denied brag that "You can be the historian of his generation" which each generation must repeat its history and each generation inevitably reactionary figure in the eyes of the one that follows. That historians of my generation who were comfortably asleep in the ease of historiographical consensus, taking note to ensure more ...
For masters of Canada, who have succeeded over the insults of history is always the last entrant who receives the honors of the occupier and who deserves the ultimate privilege not to be denied in As a member of any ethno-cultural community. If history is a fellow who is still selling to the highest bidder, no lack never one to carry high the banner of justice and freedom. If the political and legal, that shape their discretion, now recognize that Indians are the result of the meeting of continents and interbreeding, they are a race sui generis and that they deserve to be protected assimilation. They must also accept the consideration that, conscious and proud of the difference in the Aboriginal, is said rather Metis, and they give him the same rights, respect and equal recognition in the womb of the state. When
bell tolling the end of French colonialism in northern North America, autochthony who became so well received at the point of being unrecognizable. Certainly Indianness survived heartbreak and misery in this inevitable clash of continents, but we are forced to recognize, it is no longer the sole right to claim the benefits of "savagery" she now shares with Children born to this meeting. While in Quebec in early August 1749 the Swedish naturalist Pehr Kalm (1716 † 1779) notes in this regard, that "the Indians of Canada now have their blood mixed deeply than Europeans and a majority of Indians now living originate first in Europe. " And there is no counterpart on the side of the colonizers: " We know also several examples of French who voluntarily married native women and have adopted their lifestyle, he says, but we did not an example is an Indian or a European united and took his way of life ... "*
The result will give him the full right ...
Although this observation point is particularly aimed at "Indians" settled in the region of Quebec under the French regime, and it describes the ethno-cultural reality of the Huron of Lorette, the picture that emerges gives thanks to the distance traveled by a century and a half in the outlying regions. However, if the settlement takes Laurentian clearly benefit from this fusion of races. If it regularly takes note of the importance of this character trait is involved in all of Quebec society in which one or the other claim, This does not mean that it is prepared to abdicate its Euro-Canadian culture in favor of Canada-Native American culture, and admit that this great meeting of civilizations has also been the source of this new humanity that feels and does is said or completely Indian nor completely Canadian, but simply because it is new and different is the inevitable result.
Historian Groulx whole it is ethnocentric in its approach, and despite all the effort he put into his rhetoric to obscure the fact that Métis drowns in his "race" French-Canadian But is he too much pride to admit the existence of two cultural streams within the same "race" that has survived the drama of the Conquest and which has ceased to be recomposed by leveraging new ethnic contributions from Scotland, Germany and the Netherlands. When you know all the rage he has deployed to castigate those who dare mention the extent of interbreeding Indian-Canadian in Canada when the French were the masters, one can only wonder that it took also the time to praise the rich nature of the ancestors and to extol "the rare duplication of their abilities. "
*** "It is almost two races, two peoples. In one, the love of the soil clinging to the stubborn, passionate, hard to shake the earth, shaping a country's belief that we can do great on a small square of a few acres, that land common, and that the country is born, the humble work of each, to carve a corner like a jewel, if necessary, heroic death, to the position opposite the barbarian, as a sentry, a soldier in avant-garde sum, a heroic job, but in settling social horizons defined by ; The taste of winning, but step by step, steadily, by the advance of harvest and steeples.
And the other human type, the latter powerless to remain in place while legal projections. No more taste of collective heroism, teamwork, disciplined, but the adventure alone, personal risk, a juggernaut to charge into the unknown, to blow, step by step, the mask of the old America, and each new articulation geographical gain momentum more impetuous move, as long as there is water, so there a land that is hidden, to carve out a land area, s'esbroufer at ease. And yet this work relate to each other, accomplish the same concern for humanity, advancing with a passion to rival, to contain and defeat a commercial competition, but also offer a friendly hand to the man that is discovered, and each of its advances, score counters and military forts, but also crosses and chapels. In a word, besides those who build solid, great build, as should be to build, in the seventeenth century, the son of the first nation of the world beyond the humble and peaceful picture of the Laurentian valley, brushing a huge historical epic, giving the pastoral country, land of peaceful life, an extension of dream, a permanent invitation to boldness. "**
Notes: *
Jacques Rousseau and Guy Béthune Travel Pehr Kalm in Canada in 1749, Pierre Tisseyre, 1977, pp. 250-251.
** Lionel Groulx, "The French Canadian race," in Séraphin Marion and Watson Kirkconnell, The Quebec Tradition / Tradition Quebec, Les Editions Lumen Humanitas Collection, Montreal, 1946, pp. 162-166.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Cost Of Motorcycle Motor
was my brother
In spring 1980, during a party to the Montreal Forum, a young man of 20 walked the aisles with a sign "YES." He was beaten by the "BEEF" Forum, arrested and beaten by their colleagues "BEEF" in the nearby police station, then transferred to the infirmary Parthenais (Headquarters Surete du Quebec) where he was again beaten, humiliated, kept naked for 3 weeks under care of Dr. Frenette. His mother reported his disappearance, found there, but any visit was prohibited. Before the municipal court, almost one year later, the crown had no evidence to produce.
Gilbert Canaduh French-capita terms Dozois (HLM), 9th gifted child, committed suicide Friday 1983.
"There here very revealing confusion of cause with effect, and we fight as a source of evil is something that we ourselves have given birth. This type of phenomenon does not occur only in pedagogy but also in the fields of psychiatry and criminology. Once we have created the "evil" by the repression of life, all means are good to fight with the victim. "(Miller, Alice, For Your Own Good, p.45, Aubier)
was my brother.
Jean-François Belliard
In spring 1980, during a party to the Montreal Forum, a young man of 20 walked the aisles with a sign "YES." He was beaten by the "BEEF" Forum, arrested and beaten by their colleagues "BEEF" in the nearby police station, then transferred to the infirmary Parthenais (Headquarters Surete du Quebec) where he was again beaten, humiliated, kept naked for 3 weeks under care of Dr. Frenette. His mother reported his disappearance, found there, but any visit was prohibited. Before the municipal court, almost one year later, the crown had no evidence to produce.
Gilbert Canaduh French-capita terms Dozois (HLM), 9th gifted child, committed suicide Friday 1983.
"There here very revealing confusion of cause with effect, and we fight as a source of evil is something that we ourselves have given birth. This type of phenomenon does not occur only in pedagogy but also in the fields of psychiatry and criminology. Once we have created the "evil" by the repression of life, all means are good to fight with the victim. "(Miller, Alice, For Your Own Good, p.45, Aubier)
was my brother.
Jean-François Belliard
Saturday, September 25, 2010
How To Install An Emerson E20 Garbage Disposal
Mouth agape
In one episode before
course, admits Privet" three Gratton comedies are uneven and unpolished. " At a time when Quebec spins enthuses front chrome insignificant but a Cirque du Soleil désubstantialisé, vulgarity offends them because it "reminds us reflect our tanning and our Star Academies, our Gratton and our Christian, our comfort and our indifference, in fact, nothing at all and identity, culture and beauty that surrounds people halfway between the sponge and the chameleon, who can no longer be entertained that by forgetting ...
Falardeau in memory Louis Cornellier, September 25, 2010I think that is the lot of communities that fail to thrive, it is hard to measure that their culture is dwindling ...
Submitter Entre2Bauds, 24 September 2010 to 17 h 09 EDT
In one episode before
Saree Salwar Undrware
# arttotal
# arttotal 0/gocomm? ck =% CommentKey 3a51095116-738A-4db6-BEAB-93ddd6afd1d8
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# arttotal 0/gocomm? ck =% CommentKey 3a51095116-738A-4db6-BEAB-93ddd6afd1d8
about 6 hours ago
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Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sore Throat Blood Mucus
Letter to Saguenéens / A democracy thrives on dishwater
This company advance on autopilot. Federal, provincial, municipal, Abibiti Bowater now boasts to have avoided bankruptcy, it's all the same. The system dominates everything and no longer need anyone. Prime Minister Harper believes it is essential and even violates the Canadian Constitution. Premier Jean Charest indispose do not have lost credibility and trust citizens and continues to sell off the province vulgar forces and interests that keep it in power. And the mayor of Saguenay, Jean Tremblay, and signed in his complacency; point out to him to Saguenay hello!
latter, to whom we are a few good shots made (pier, hydro Chicoutimi River and a few others), lasted longer than he himself had planned. It is made where there was the incumbent mayor, Ulric Blackburn, when he pushed outside city hall. I remember the contradictory debate of October 27, 1997, in the basement of the church of Saint-Antoine. He confronted the mayor, have two other candidates. I was there and I despaired at the microphone! He told the audience that the mayor had to leave Blackburn in the political arena because he believed he had spent his time. He then argued that a mayor would never stay more than two terms in City Hall.
was a good thought: the first term, he said, to outline its policies, the second to achieve them. We all find the deal very inviting! Many have believed it! Thirteen years later, the little man is restored to his fifth term. The Town of Saguenay and marching in the eye because the aldermen lack of character and because they agree to serve in a semblance of democracy that thrives on the dishwater. They have no solution to offer us and are now part of the problem. They cling to each other and cling to the walls of the regime, and woe to one who will try to undermine. Fear has invaded the city like weeds in a meadow banal abandoned by tenants.
*** And I have not spoken for Abitibi-Bowater, which have just been given a deadline to scrape the bottom of the barrel in which there are a few crumbs. Here, the sole concern of shareholders, is to take everything they can ... while they still can! The forest industry collapsed during the last decade, even a blind man could see, but politicians still persist in speaking of a crisis! Perpetuates lies in hypocrisy! The fact is that if we let the forces of capitalism play as we have always preached, we would be rebuilding the forest industry on a new footing and there would be some initial small victories. The population has not yet understood that the structures that created the collapse of the forestry industry in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint are still in place and that what survived the carnage is already condemned. Tell them the opposite and would establish the reality in all states. Politicians know that, so they tell their citizens only hear what they want and what will not hurt their reelection.
Politicians claim to be the unloved of our time. Contempt and cynicism, that's all they deserve, but we must also admit the same time that we did not steal. Our generation, the baby boumers, think only of his retirement, and that we put the world waits to make us move from life to death. Go to the mall, they are there in groups of five, ten or fifteen with a glass of coffee in hand, faces and well-polished bulk of bacon, old before its time to 58 years in remaking the world between them, watching their cash books and see if they could not get even a little more about that stifles covered. They are content with themselves and all they want is to spend a month or two in the South. The world may die, if they are not the lot.
In these circumstances, where there is only one voice to object to the drift of politicians and the dirty tricks of the system, there is nothing possible. The change can not be on a positive basis that if the group asks, involved and has languished for it. This company here is dying and she does not care. I regret to say I lost my time. I screamed into the void for more than thirty years. The descent continues and I start running out of power ...
Do not blame me if you see me less and less in public space. I'm losing my last illusions ...
This company advance on autopilot. Federal, provincial, municipal, Abibiti Bowater now boasts to have avoided bankruptcy, it's all the same. The system dominates everything and no longer need anyone. Prime Minister Harper believes it is essential and even violates the Canadian Constitution. Premier Jean Charest indispose do not have lost credibility and trust citizens and continues to sell off the province vulgar forces and interests that keep it in power. And the mayor of Saguenay, Jean Tremblay, and signed in his complacency; point out to him to Saguenay hello!
latter, to whom we are a few good shots made (pier, hydro Chicoutimi River and a few others), lasted longer than he himself had planned. It is made where there was the incumbent mayor, Ulric Blackburn, when he pushed outside city hall. I remember the contradictory debate of October 27, 1997, in the basement of the church of Saint-Antoine. He confronted the mayor, have two other candidates. I was there and I despaired at the microphone! He told the audience that the mayor had to leave Blackburn in the political arena because he believed he had spent his time. He then argued that a mayor would never stay more than two terms in City Hall.
was a good thought: the first term, he said, to outline its policies, the second to achieve them. We all find the deal very inviting! Many have believed it! Thirteen years later, the little man is restored to his fifth term. The Town of Saguenay and marching in the eye because the aldermen lack of character and because they agree to serve in a semblance of democracy that thrives on the dishwater. They have no solution to offer us and are now part of the problem. They cling to each other and cling to the walls of the regime, and woe to one who will try to undermine. Fear has invaded the city like weeds in a meadow banal abandoned by tenants.
*** And I have not spoken for Abitibi-Bowater, which have just been given a deadline to scrape the bottom of the barrel in which there are a few crumbs. Here, the sole concern of shareholders, is to take everything they can ... while they still can! The forest industry collapsed during the last decade, even a blind man could see, but politicians still persist in speaking of a crisis! Perpetuates lies in hypocrisy! The fact is that if we let the forces of capitalism play as we have always preached, we would be rebuilding the forest industry on a new footing and there would be some initial small victories. The population has not yet understood that the structures that created the collapse of the forestry industry in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint are still in place and that what survived the carnage is already condemned. Tell them the opposite and would establish the reality in all states. Politicians know that, so they tell their citizens only hear what they want and what will not hurt their reelection.
Politicians claim to be the unloved of our time. Contempt and cynicism, that's all they deserve, but we must also admit the same time that we did not steal. Our generation, the baby boumers, think only of his retirement, and that we put the world waits to make us move from life to death. Go to the mall, they are there in groups of five, ten or fifteen with a glass of coffee in hand, faces and well-polished bulk of bacon, old before its time to 58 years in remaking the world between them, watching their cash books and see if they could not get even a little more about that stifles covered. They are content with themselves and all they want is to spend a month or two in the South. The world may die, if they are not the lot.
In these circumstances, where there is only one voice to object to the drift of politicians and the dirty tricks of the system, there is nothing possible. The change can not be on a positive basis that if the group asks, involved and has languished for it. This company here is dying and she does not care. I regret to say I lost my time. I screamed into the void for more than thirty years. The descent continues and I start running out of power ...
Do not blame me if you see me less and less in public space. I'm losing my last illusions ...
Monday, September 13, 2010
How To Make License For Java Application
Iraq, the cradle of civilizations
"... no American should be allowed to forget that the nation of Iraq, the society of Iraq, have been destroyed, ruined, a failed state. The Americans, beginning 1991, bombed for 12 years, with one excuse or another; then invaded, then occupied, overthrew the government, killed wantonly, tortured ... the people of that unhappy land have lost everything — their homes, their schools, their electricity, their clean water, their environment, their neighborhoods, their mosques, their archaeology, their jobs, their careers, their professionals, their state-run enterprises, their physical health, their mental health, their health care, their welfare state, their women's rights, their religious tolerance, their safety, their security, their children, their parents, their past, their present, their future, their lives ...
“More than half the population either dead, wounded, traumatized, in prison, internally displaced, or in foreign exile ... The air, soil, water, blood and genes drenched with depleted uranium ... the most awful birth defects ... unexploded cluster bombs lie in wait for children to pick them up ... an army of young Islamic men went to Iraq to fight the American invaders; they left the country more militant, hardened by war, to spread across the Middle East, Europe and Central Asia ... a river of blood runs alongside the Euphrates and Tigris ... through a country that may never be put back together again." The Anti-Empire Report , William Blum, 1er septembre via
"... no American should be allowed to forget that the nation of Iraq, the society of Iraq, have been destroyed, ruined, a failed state. The Americans, beginning 1991, bombed for 12 years, with one excuse or another; then invaded, then occupied, overthrew the government, killed wantonly, tortured ... the people of that unhappy land have lost everything — their homes, their schools, their electricity, their clean water, their environment, their neighborhoods, their mosques, their archaeology, their jobs, their careers, their professionals, their state-run enterprises, their physical health, their mental health, their health care, their welfare state, their women's rights, their religious tolerance, their safety, their security, their children, their parents, their past, their present, their future, their lives ...
“More than half the population either dead, wounded, traumatized, in prison, internally displaced, or in foreign exile ... The air, soil, water, blood and genes drenched with depleted uranium ... the most awful birth defects ... unexploded cluster bombs lie in wait for children to pick them up ... an army of young Islamic men went to Iraq to fight the American invaders; they left the country more militant, hardened by war, to spread across the Middle East, Europe and Central Asia ... a river of blood runs alongside the Euphrates and Tigris ... through a country that may never be put back together again." The Anti-Empire Report , William Blum, 1er septembre via
Friday, September 3, 2010
Mercurial Vapor Iii R9 Grey Yellow
the common technique of apologetics for the crimes for which one shares responsibility. It would not do to deny the crimes outright; that exposes them to view and undermines pretensions of liberal ideals. The first and most crucial principle is therefore to evade our own crimes. Next, vilify the messenger, to ensure that unwanted history is forgotten. And finally, vilify those who dare to refute charges Against official enemies, Malthus Preserving the right to pose heroically About their real gold Alleged Crimes Without Concern for Such impediment as Fact and Uncertainty. Add a few "appropriate" rhetorical buttons & the concoction IS ready to serve, a tasty morsel In Some circles.
Noam Chomsky
Lexington, MA
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
How Can I Get Free Club Nintendo Point
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Submitter alexzt4
August 31, 2010 at 09 h 52 EDT
Hello Ms. Charette
I am a 20 year old student, I work with children and I am involved in my community. This summer, my twin sister and I were presented in Toronto to show our disagreement faced with decisions taken at the summit of G20 and ways of making decisions such as what kind of summit.
At this summit, we, my classmates and I experienced probably the worst violations of human rights in Canada for decades. Unlawful arrests, detention in inhumane conditions over a period of time of several days for most, strip searches without reasonable cause, all without the right to talk to a lawyer for the majority, before over 30 hours, to name just a few of these violations.
The vast majority of us still have to face serious criminal charges, then that dozens of my classmates and I were arrested when we were sleeping!
That's what I wish the media talk about this summer advantage, even if only to inform the public about how the police have decided to manage a population of people disagree with the policy in place . Was this an attempt to criminalize political dissent, the right to protest, a constitutional right? What were the claims of thousands of people from all walks of life in the streets of Toronto during the G20?
In my opinion, several issues have, wittingly or unwittingly, been avoided or treated too briefly. That said, it's not too late to talk.
Thank you very much for your attention,
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Submitter alexzt4
August 31, 2010 at 09 h 52 EDT
Hello Ms. Charette
I am a 20 year old student, I work with children and I am involved in my community. This summer, my twin sister and I were presented in Toronto to show our disagreement faced with decisions taken at the summit of G20 and ways of making decisions such as what kind of summit.
At this summit, we, my classmates and I experienced probably the worst violations of human rights in Canada for decades. Unlawful arrests, detention in inhumane conditions over a period of time of several days for most, strip searches without reasonable cause, all without the right to talk to a lawyer for the majority, before over 30 hours, to name just a few of these violations.
The vast majority of us still have to face serious criminal charges, then that dozens of my classmates and I were arrested when we were sleeping!
That's what I wish the media talk about this summer advantage, even if only to inform the public about how the police have decided to manage a population of people disagree with the policy in place . Was this an attempt to criminalize political dissent, the right to protest, a constitutional right? What were the claims of thousands of people from all walks of life in the streets of Toronto during the G20?
In my opinion, several issues have, wittingly or unwittingly, been avoided or treated too briefly. That said, it's not too late to talk.
Thank you very much for your attention,
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Increased Metabolism What Does It Mean
Services rendered
Very, very hard, this soldier of the web. Julie Miville-
Very, very hard, this soldier of the web. Julie Miville-
Dechêne is a perfect example of the little French Canadian service nicely rewarded for loyal service rendered to their masters of the Dominion of Canada. It is part of the same family as pushy obsequious Romeo Dallaire, the accomplice of Paul Kagame thanked by a Senate seat for facilitating the bloody conquest of power by the killers of the RPF in Rwanda.
investment of Canadian mining companies in Africa totaled $ 21 billion in 2010. Coincidentally, they have tripled since the beginning of the war of aggression launched by the RPF in 1990.
When will the excuses of the CBC? Bernard Desgagné, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Itchy Boob Broken Capillaries
Israeli Palestinian ! An Arab Israeli-Arab! An Israeli Palestinian Arabic! Seen like that
Un anti-impérialiste colonialiste, un révolutionnaire statu-quoiste, un anarchiste paternaliste. Vive le Canada.
If you - an individual "gold nation - are free, and determined your own future, You Might do so for good or for evil. You might even do irreparable harm to *yourself*.
As for why I’m critical of "the principle of national self-determination", that’s because ‘nation’ or ‘people’ is constantly used to mean ‘ethnic group’. So interpreted, the ‘principle of national self-determination’ is one of the most destructive ideals ever advanced.
We might suppose there is an ethnically homogeneous population on some planet, and members of that population wants the same thing. Their interests never clash with the interests of other populations on the planet - maybe there *isn’t* any other population on the planet. Should they be able to determine ‘their destiny’? Sure, why not - as long as they do this for good, not evil.
[...] Self-determination wouldn’t even make a strong case for Palestinian statehood. Are the Palestinians a ‘nation’ in the ethnic sense? Well, what happened to them being Arabs, and to Arab nationalism?
Fundamentals of the Israel-Palestine Conflict , Michael Neumann, 22 août 2010 via
Un anti-impérialiste colonialiste, un révolutionnaire statu-quoiste, un anarchiste paternaliste. Vive le Canada.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Нудисти. Фото.
Requiem for the merged cities of Upper Lake
Basin and the mouth of the Chicoutimi River, circa 1960. Here on the west bank of the water now partly filled in, that have written the first lines of the history of Saguenay
Death Bear!
"What else is there identity jonquiéroise? ", asks the journalist Daniel Côté, in a text published in the Progress-Sunday 22 August, where he deplores, rightly, loss of memory in his hometown that was absorbed into the fatal drift of municipal mergers Enforced by the PQ government of Lucien Bouchard? "The furniture was saved" concludes Côté consoling himself on some unfortunate cultural institutions that have miraculously survived the sinking. While it is still very insignificant few buildings and a travesty of cultural institutions to mask the edges of the crater it creates in our collective universe, but that does basically the words of journalist cruelly real, "identity jonquiéroise" was "lost forever". Indeed! Old Town is "became a district within a district, [it] only exists in memory of a handful of nostalgic and is no longer" a view of the spirit. "
What's more, if not to recall that this result was pathetic, once again, predictable because programmed reduce us to nothing in the national project. Because this part of the larger project of lobotomized Quebec strain has been announced and harshly criticized by some upset and worried minds, minds freer than others who have tried in vain to sound the alarm. Today, the text side demonstrates, history files the first words of his trial and conviction in absentia: -Here lies part of the founding people, Métis and French Canadian, who died without leaving traces for the benefit of masters stateless, their footmen and those who benefit.
Well done for us ! Had become involved, challenge, anger against those who wanted us dead, objecting to the project from those who wanted to make the skin because they had already sold to abroad. Stop crying over our misfortune, a part of this disaster we are collectively accountable.
Chicoutimi, the ghost town cannibalized by his sisters enemy!
These words are for me, a cruel relevance. They speak for all other cities foolishly sacrificed in this sad adventure. Precisely, in 1980, anticipating these forced mergers, I started to write the history of Municipalities. With stories of Chicoutimi-Nord, L'Anse-Saint-Jean and Val-Jalbert, I already saw the danger that this precipice of irrelevance politician was digging in for a total recklessness citizen . I knew it had to happen in the next future too, and I told myself I had to shoot during the rescue, many pictures and as soon as possible of these memories alive before they pass away under the leadership of a political regime PQ completely disconnected from our regional reality and without understanding of what a place to live, a community of peoples, an identity memory, an emerging nation.
I, who was then at the forefront of this story that unfolded in the wake of my pen, I remember the many warnings that I made, wherever possible, so that it does not happen .
De Jonquière, La Baie, Shipshaw, Lac-Kénogami, Canton-Tremblay, Chicoutimi-Nord ... Chicoutimi, there is indeed little ten years after this societal breakdown which has reduced the mother-city of Chicoutimi, the great sacrifice of the history, cultural and economic anemia and the vindication of its neighbors who despise him are fools and yet much of the benefits they have gained since the disastrous merger of February 18, 2002. If Jonquière, which is not a party without dowry, has anything to complain about side memory, what should we then think of Chicoutimi, which has become the stepchild of this amalgam poisoned, the big loser of this forced marriage?! I still have the pride of having written when times were required, which should be written so that our children have the memory for our descendants is not subject to the sole memory of immigrants who began take place in the abyss of identity that our intellectual laziness, filth our individuality and our laissez-faire ended up digging.
Saguenay city frozen in a block of gelatin!
However, there is, fortunately, my books and authenticity that I have put it, without thinking of my own tomorrow. Since these words were written and in the light of the ink that has not yet dried up, my rejection of human mediocrity has not wavered one bit. To see the lethargy into which were stuck minds of this community, I feel like I live in a huge bowl of gelatin which care if it will take, or melt.
How not recrimination softness of the city council subject to the dictates of one, the feeble nature of these elected men and women who have neither the courage nor the relevance to defend our lost honor, our dignity and our birthright as the cradle of the history of the Saguenay?! Although the weariness of speaking into the void eventually catch me, how not to lament, once again, the effect of sclerosant political career that took root in our city halls and who have not understood that after four, five or six times their money is spent and must give way to others, wishing them better luck.
As animal species that have neither the character nor the will to respond to profound changes, like the dinosaurs that went extinct without anyone will be moved, our people amnesiac is dying before I finished puberty, before he could see his children run in the wheat fields he has planted. It is a misfortune to know and to live, and die a second time to be reduced to the point ...
- I live in a lake, fountain once, become
basin belt power and urinal;
- I live in a fjord lately garden
become desert, land and lacerated nest of vipers;
- I live in a forest, once lung
become paper, circular and claims;
- I lives in a house once joyful
become ugly, sad and fearful;
- I live a story, once fertile
become shameful, dull and faded;
- I live in a country once cathedral
become factory, bank and prison. Russel Bouchard

Death Bear!
"What else is there identity jonquiéroise? ", asks the journalist Daniel Côté, in a text published in the Progress-Sunday 22 August, where he deplores, rightly, loss of memory in his hometown that was absorbed into the fatal drift of municipal mergers Enforced by the PQ government of Lucien Bouchard? "The furniture was saved" concludes Côté consoling himself on some unfortunate cultural institutions that have miraculously survived the sinking. While it is still very insignificant few buildings and a travesty of cultural institutions to mask the edges of the crater it creates in our collective universe, but that does basically the words of journalist cruelly real, "identity jonquiéroise" was "lost forever". Indeed! Old Town is "became a district within a district, [it] only exists in memory of a handful of nostalgic and is no longer" a view of the spirit. "
What's more, if not to recall that this result was pathetic, once again, predictable because programmed reduce us to nothing in the national project. Because this part of the larger project of lobotomized Quebec strain has been announced and harshly criticized by some upset and worried minds, minds freer than others who have tried in vain to sound the alarm. Today, the text side demonstrates, history files the first words of his trial and conviction in absentia: -Here lies part of the founding people, Métis and French Canadian, who died without leaving traces for the benefit of masters stateless, their footmen and those who benefit.
Well done for us ! Had become involved, challenge, anger against those who wanted us dead, objecting to the project from those who wanted to make the skin because they had already sold to abroad. Stop crying over our misfortune, a part of this disaster we are collectively accountable.
Chicoutimi, the ghost town cannibalized by his sisters enemy!
These words are for me, a cruel relevance. They speak for all other cities foolishly sacrificed in this sad adventure. Precisely, in 1980, anticipating these forced mergers, I started to write the history of Municipalities. With stories of Chicoutimi-Nord, L'Anse-Saint-Jean and Val-Jalbert, I already saw the danger that this precipice of irrelevance politician was digging in for a total recklessness citizen . I knew it had to happen in the next future too, and I told myself I had to shoot during the rescue, many pictures and as soon as possible of these memories alive before they pass away under the leadership of a political regime PQ completely disconnected from our regional reality and without understanding of what a place to live, a community of peoples, an identity memory, an emerging nation.
I, who was then at the forefront of this story that unfolded in the wake of my pen, I remember the many warnings that I made, wherever possible, so that it does not happen .
De Jonquière, La Baie, Shipshaw, Lac-Kénogami, Canton-Tremblay, Chicoutimi-Nord ... Chicoutimi, there is indeed little ten years after this societal breakdown which has reduced the mother-city of Chicoutimi, the great sacrifice of the history, cultural and economic anemia and the vindication of its neighbors who despise him are fools and yet much of the benefits they have gained since the disastrous merger of February 18, 2002. If Jonquière, which is not a party without dowry, has anything to complain about side memory, what should we then think of Chicoutimi, which has become the stepchild of this amalgam poisoned, the big loser of this forced marriage?! I still have the pride of having written when times were required, which should be written so that our children have the memory for our descendants is not subject to the sole memory of immigrants who began take place in the abyss of identity that our intellectual laziness, filth our individuality and our laissez-faire ended up digging.
Saguenay city frozen in a block of gelatin!
However, there is, fortunately, my books and authenticity that I have put it, without thinking of my own tomorrow. Since these words were written and in the light of the ink that has not yet dried up, my rejection of human mediocrity has not wavered one bit. To see the lethargy into which were stuck minds of this community, I feel like I live in a huge bowl of gelatin which care if it will take, or melt.
How not recrimination softness of the city council subject to the dictates of one, the feeble nature of these elected men and women who have neither the courage nor the relevance to defend our lost honor, our dignity and our birthright as the cradle of the history of the Saguenay?! Although the weariness of speaking into the void eventually catch me, how not to lament, once again, the effect of sclerosant political career that took root in our city halls and who have not understood that after four, five or six times their money is spent and must give way to others, wishing them better luck.
As animal species that have neither the character nor the will to respond to profound changes, like the dinosaurs that went extinct without anyone will be moved, our people amnesiac is dying before I finished puberty, before he could see his children run in the wheat fields he has planted. It is a misfortune to know and to live, and die a second time to be reduced to the point ...
- I live in a lake, fountain once, become
basin belt power and urinal;
- I live in a fjord lately garden
become desert, land and lacerated nest of vipers;
- I live in a forest, once lung
become paper, circular and claims;
- I lives in a house once joyful
become ugly, sad and fearful;
- I live a story, once fertile
become shameful, dull and faded;
- I live in a country once cathedral
become factory, bank and prison. Russel Bouchard
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
How To Use
I remember watching this in disbelief and thinking, well, this explains a lot. These people aren't just indulgent of their base. They're terrified of it. The birther movement is crazy. And even on a question of crazy, these sitting members of the United States Congress could not say what is obviously true and uncontroversial to normal earthlings. I'm confident very few of them actually buy this nonsense. But they know exactly what kind of plagues will be unleashed on them if they admit the truth.
Let's imagine that a right-wing reporter had asked 11 Democratic House members in 2002 whether George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had foreknowledge of the September 11 attacks and let them happen (an imprecise but rough analogy in that it is also, I believe, crazy). One or two Democrats might Have Played That One coy, by purpose and broad they'd Have Turned cartwheels disassociating Such A view from Themselves. Herein lies one of The Most important facts of Our Politics over the Past 20 Years: Republicans are terrified of Offending Even the fringe elements of Their database. Democrats are terrified of Being Associated With Their.
The Right Way to Please the Base: What the Left Can Learn from right-wing Extremists Michael Tomasky, August 11 21 010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Tamil Kalyanam Kavithai
Who else but himself Christian Will he use?
In "Dispersing the Fog," Paul Palango advance a hypothesis more specifies the reasons and circumstances of the retirement of Project Sidewinder. He claims that during a meeting stormy that followed the Director's statements to the RCMP, Zaccardelli and Chretien reportedly reached an agreement.
Project Sidewinder was removed, but Christian does not meddle in the affairs of the RCMP Zaccardelli had a free hand.
Shortly after that meeting, Zaccardelli has the endorsement of the federal Treasury Board for the purchase of two aircraft engines Piaggio P180 nine seats. The price of this Italian aircraft for the personal needs of the head of the RCMP: $ 10 million. Zaccardelli also spend $ 180 000 for the renovation of his office, including $ 42 000 for a bathroom with marble from Italy and gold sink. Another $ 30 000 will be spent on fine leather furniture Natuzzi.
The RCMP will also benefit from the sponsorship scandal as revealed by the Auditor General Sheila Fraser. The intelligence agency illegally will receive $ 3 million to celebrate its 125th anniversary and another 1.7 million, paid in a non-governmental, used to rent a train to party in Quebec, with all meals lavish expensive watered wine.
CSIS, China and Desmarais, Pierre Dubuc, July 2, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Synthetic Aint Polish
Aquinas was right
They missed their rendezvous with history (the referendums of 1980 and 1995). Today, demography is against them, plus they wallow in mediocrity. They withdraw into themselves. They resign. They even refuse the amorous encounter is ... damn, they have no future. Within a century or two, they will be drowned in the English-speaking continent. This will be the end of the adventure in French North America. (To reverse this trend would require a revolution, and everyone knows it is not a revolution in a society of abundance, a company too comfortable.) In writing this, I do not purpose to be negative. I express my deep feeling.
reply to comment Cloutov, Letter to immigrants, Jean-Sébastien Marsan, 13 May 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Error Ssl:nzos_handshake Failed
The crux of the problem, yet once the key fundamental differences between the Canadian and Quebec visions of what constitutes a society. For The Press, and Tiernay Cassivi, the company is what is, what exists before our eyes. This is not surprising that half of the text speaks of Cassivi immigrants he sees in his neighborhood. For Quebecers - and most other nations on this planet - the company is, however, an ideal to attain a common vision of what needs to be.
example, France, Germany, Italy, do not see their respective countries as photorama of what presently exists; their eyes, an immigrant does not speak the national language and do not share any values National does not constitute an element of multiculturalism or diversity of the nation, but rather a immigrants to integrate into the common destiny of the country. We will not make a movie about an immigrant does not speak the national language by celebrating this fact, but much more by highlighting the problems of integration.
To finish with Jacob Tierney Louis Prefontaine, July 8, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day Piano Sheet
Saguenay Saint John dries, the disaster was foreseeable ...
Above the Piékouagami at its threshold. Photo taken from the mouth of the river Métabetchouane. Russel Bouchard, July 6, 2010.
Below, the author of these lines in its upriver Manouane to join his hunting in the fall of 1988.
Rio Tinto Alcan lack of water in its reservoirs in the catchment of Lake Saint-Jean. Who would not be shocked to see and destabilized the Piékuagami and drained of blood? Ours! The multinational
feared for its electricity supply and puts our region on the threat of reduced production. Not wanting to lose out, unions have extended the Rosary on the clothesline to heaven by asking what he refuses to give several months. Lac-Saint-Jean, elected officials are held to the lips neutral to avoid offending the sensibilities of the multinational and not undermine their own hydroelectric projects. And Mashteuiatsh the Ilnutsh, which are not totally innocent in this sad result, make the rain dance. In short, by what we watch on TV, in early summer on Lake St. John has never been so dry the memory of man (and woman of course!). After the deca-millennium vintage of July 1996, here we visited decreased the millennium.
return the balance, or rather a just reward.
All this was predictable. It will be recalled that in June 1999, I was the only citizen of the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec or to protest against the proposed river diversion Manouane to the catchment tank Bersimis . I then wrote a strong letter of protest to Quebec Premier and his Minister of Natural Resources (Lucien Bouchard and Jacques Brassard), however, two son of our region. Butting me, again, the indifference of all, I had taken careful to send copies of my objections to policy makers in all directions (see copy of letter attached). In this bell, I asked them to think back ten times more than before we jettison this supply of holy water which flowed from the rest part of our collective future. It was a lost cause! I have had no response, nor the elected provincial and municipal or union leaders nor the leaders of the Hydro-Quebec or Ilnutsh leaders who had given their consent because they were there, too their account. The newspaper, which I addressed my open letter, did obviously not published and the inevitable happened ...
In my wording, I wrote then: "On other continents, it is now that countries are at war and brutally kill each other for thousands of years to ensure their share to a single point water. Here, it makes no sense, no one doubts or worries about the least of the preceding heavy and major stress that will be subjected to an entire environment, ecosystems interlinked other by the thread of water, Lake Saint-Jean and Saguenay Fjord. If we let them do it without a fight, if we allow stupid and cowardly to foreign ownership of our most dear-our-water is that our society is dead and buried. Is that foreigners are lords and masters in all and for all ... "
However, I am not saying that the temperature is not exceptional for something. I'm just saying that water flowing past ten years towards the North Shore is a shortfall Environmental us is sorely lacking today, in these days of drought. I also say and again, well done for Us! All this was predictable! Had to think, and you think about it before giving us the inalienable right to draw in the natural source of the purest water on the planet and leave to Hydro-Quebec, the general contractor for this project moron, absolute power to rob us with no alternative in times of drought.
When I see the Lake Saint-Jean and dried by the combined effects of Mother Nature, the Hydro-Quebec and Alcan, I can not help but think of the Aral Sea that the Soviets have dried up for the greatest misfortune of all. In this kind of negative experience, the trouble is that there will always, as in the current disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, someone fairly well placed in the board makers to dare say that the situation is fully under control and there will always be some temple guards to reassure us more ...
copy of the letter sent June 22, 1999 the Premier of Quebec Lucien Bouchard and his Minister of Natural Resources, Jacques Brassard.
The weight of a bag of thirty pieces (!)
"means Saguenéens perceive where they live and die as a" country "in the purest sense of the term, a country marked originality and characterized a way of life that stands out positively from that of the province and, even more significantly, that of Canada. In fact, it is more accurately described as a culture imbued with a certain mysticism strangely akin to that of the builders of great cathedrals of Europe, a culture that has formed in the stresses of appalling ' capricious geography, hostile and, in many ways, inhuman, a culture that was defined on the basis of a story at once singular and powerful. "(RB 1992)
Chicoutimi, June 22, 1999
I will not mince words! To my amazement, the media come to teach us, heading for the good news (!), The Hydro-Quebec and the Montagnais Band Betsiamites on the North Shore of Quebec, have recently concluded-without that we were there invited-an agreement to divert the heads of the Portneuf, Sault-aux-Pigs and Manouane toward the river Bersimis (formerly Betsiamites) so they can increase production of hydroelectric power. Regarding the first two streams, I obviously did not have much to say about the viability and relevance of the project because they are tributaries of the St. Lawrence and they rightfully belong to the people of the North Shore of St. Lawrence (as well say another country!). But what is the river Manouane is another matter ...
misunderstand me! It is not about a thin project! It is not just a trickle of water is diverted for a few miles-not! - But a big, long river like a river, a river pure and beautiful as the day , a river of a thousand forms of animated life, full of game and fish, a river, which runs its course a vast green valley, wild and full of history, a river diversion is being considered by some to throw a thousand miles away, in another watershed and up the end of time.
On other continents, it is now that countries are at war and brutally kill each other for thousands of years to ensure their part in a single water point. Here, it makes no sense, no one doubts or worries about the least of the preceding heavy and major stress that will be subjected to a whole environment, ecosystems relate to each other by the thread of water, Lake Saint-Jean and Saguenay Fjord. If we let them do it without a fight, if we allow stupid and cowardly to foreign ownership of our most valuable asset-our-water is that our society is dead and buried. Is that foreigners are lords and masters in all and for all. And those who remain are their slaves, their food ...
Explain to me the logic of this deal between two foreign nations (namely the Montagnais of the North Shore and the Government of Quebec) who assume the right totalitarian pilfer environmental heritage and natural resources that are not theirs, and which belong naturally since the last Wisconsin glaciation, 10,000 years now to my real home, the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. For four centuries now, the colonial government of Quebec and predates plundered freely, shamelessly, the natural resources of my "Country" my love, it kills wildlife for fur and his own gain, destroying forests to enrich the state it embodies and the multinationals that guide, it takes away our rivers that supplies hydroelectric power plants in southern and fattens charges that his government headquarters in Quebec. Now that the soil was contaminated to satisfy the appetite of foreign agents, now that the forest is dying because of depredation led by foreigners, now that poverty housing wildlife and people of my "Country", now you decide, forcibly, without a mandate from the people of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean and his detriment, to divert a river around part of its exclusive patrimony to satisfy foreign interests, be they Montagnais Coast North. The usufruct of our waterways elude us so for centuries and centuries.
You say how this attack hits, hurt, insult and defile my being, do not! And you are you, our representatives, the primary responsibility!
You've come to the world that here in the "Country" Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. You who have studied in our colleges and prayed in our churches. You who buried relatives in our cemeteries. You who have eaten at our table as brothers who share the same history inexorably, how can you sponsor such an attack on our identity? How can you encourage and participate in the rape suit against the integrity of our territory? such devastation of Mother Earth? such a diversion of resources that belong to us, the people of the "Country", the first nations to which I belong primarily by blood and history, and I belong to all recent arrivals much? Yes! how (?), in all conscience can you afford that! ...
With the horror that grips my heart since I learned of the agreement, I feel like screaming louder my sorrow and my shame. The severity of it makes me more restraint. I can not afford to turn you back outside our borders, protect the integrity of our territory, to make you change your mind or make you reconsider the issue in the respect, dignity, people that you strip without shame. But I want you to take notes for the history being written now, my deep, Total, Royal and unqualified disagreement with the attack of unprecedented proportions is happening under your watch, against us, against our heritage cons and our land.
gentlemen our elected officials, tell us the reasons to accept such a sacrifice, and I would love requestionner hardness of my decision to you. And one small advantage for the people of the "Country", I tell you, and I promise to burn votives to your health and your worth bragging about with every wind ...
I do not know the weight of a bag of thirty pieces. I do not know what
fountain drink to your conscientious these ... but I can assure you in the meantime, every second, that history, my offspring and yours will remember the suffering that you have made them permanent at a time when your appointment was sought with so much about in one time you could help him overcome the deep rut in which the story of the last four centuries ago precipitated. God forgive you gentlemen our territorial representatives ... That help us! We will have many needs after your visit ...
What a mess!
I find myself dreaming of a stronger "Country" where we again, Chicoutimi and Jeannois, will finally home, and defended by our men. On the "Country" defined by its unique watershed, bathed in its internal sea, led by the majestic fjord that opens the door to the world and its future. A "Country" where all the people who live and sculpt their hard work, respect and be respected for what they are. Yes, I dream of a "Country" to We, a country where it is forbidden to stifle the sound of the earth, thirst and dreams of justice, freedom and fulfillment can satisfy it. And using the evil that he did I dream that the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, one day not too distant, know him find the strength to overcome their fear, the keystone of the system, to live in peace and prosper in harmony with its neighbors. And you
our representatives gentlemen, what do you dream? What do you do with our dreams? ...
Russel Bouchard
son and citizen of the "Land of Saguenay,
member of the Native Alliance of Canada,
historian and writer born free.
CC Denis 1, King of L'Anse;
André Harvey, MP for Chicoutimi County;
Hubert Desbiens, a former deputy county Dubuc;
André Caillé, Hydro-Quebec;
Jacques Bougie, Alcan
Pierre Dubuc, L'Aut 'Journal;
Louis-Gilles Francoeur, Le Devoir;
La Presse;
Carol Nero, The Daily;
Bertrand Tremblay, The Daily; Journal
cultural Mollie;
Betsiamistes Band Council, Band Council
Below, the author of these lines in its upriver Manouane to join his hunting in the fall of 1988.

feared for its electricity supply and puts our region on the threat of reduced production. Not wanting to lose out, unions have extended the Rosary on the clothesline to heaven by asking what he refuses to give several months. Lac-Saint-Jean, elected officials are held to the lips neutral to avoid offending the sensibilities of the multinational and not undermine their own hydroelectric projects. And Mashteuiatsh the Ilnutsh, which are not totally innocent in this sad result, make the rain dance. In short, by what we watch on TV, in early summer on Lake St. John has never been so dry the memory of man (and woman of course!). After the deca-millennium vintage of July 1996, here we visited decreased the millennium.
return the balance, or rather a just reward.
All this was predictable. It will be recalled that in June 1999, I was the only citizen of the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec or to protest against the proposed river diversion Manouane to the catchment tank Bersimis . I then wrote a strong letter of protest to Quebec Premier and his Minister of Natural Resources (Lucien Bouchard and Jacques Brassard), however, two son of our region. Butting me, again, the indifference of all, I had taken careful to send copies of my objections to policy makers in all directions (see copy of letter attached). In this bell, I asked them to think back ten times more than before we jettison this supply of holy water which flowed from the rest part of our collective future. It was a lost cause! I have had no response, nor the elected provincial and municipal or union leaders nor the leaders of the Hydro-Quebec or Ilnutsh leaders who had given their consent because they were there, too their account. The newspaper, which I addressed my open letter, did obviously not published and the inevitable happened ...
In my wording, I wrote then: "On other continents, it is now that countries are at war and brutally kill each other for thousands of years to ensure their share to a single point water. Here, it makes no sense, no one doubts or worries about the least of the preceding heavy and major stress that will be subjected to an entire environment, ecosystems interlinked other by the thread of water, Lake Saint-Jean and Saguenay Fjord. If we let them do it without a fight, if we allow stupid and cowardly to foreign ownership of our most dear-our-water is that our society is dead and buried. Is that foreigners are lords and masters in all and for all ... "
However, I am not saying that the temperature is not exceptional for something. I'm just saying that water flowing past ten years towards the North Shore is a shortfall Environmental us is sorely lacking today, in these days of drought. I also say and again, well done for Us! All this was predictable! Had to think, and you think about it before giving us the inalienable right to draw in the natural source of the purest water on the planet and leave to Hydro-Quebec, the general contractor for this project moron, absolute power to rob us with no alternative in times of drought.
When I see the Lake Saint-Jean and dried by the combined effects of Mother Nature, the Hydro-Quebec and Alcan, I can not help but think of the Aral Sea that the Soviets have dried up for the greatest misfortune of all. In this kind of negative experience, the trouble is that there will always, as in the current disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, someone fairly well placed in the board makers to dare say that the situation is fully under control and there will always be some temple guards to reassure us more ...
copy of the letter sent June 22, 1999 the Premier of Quebec Lucien Bouchard and his Minister of Natural Resources, Jacques Brassard.
The weight of a bag of thirty pieces (!)
"means Saguenéens perceive where they live and die as a" country "in the purest sense of the term, a country marked originality and characterized a way of life that stands out positively from that of the province and, even more significantly, that of Canada. In fact, it is more accurately described as a culture imbued with a certain mysticism strangely akin to that of the builders of great cathedrals of Europe, a culture that has formed in the stresses of appalling ' capricious geography, hostile and, in many ways, inhuman, a culture that was defined on the basis of a story at once singular and powerful. "(RB 1992)
Chicoutimi, June 22, 1999
I will not mince words! To my amazement, the media come to teach us, heading for the good news (!), The Hydro-Quebec and the Montagnais Band Betsiamites on the North Shore of Quebec, have recently concluded-without that we were there invited-an agreement to divert the heads of the Portneuf, Sault-aux-Pigs and Manouane toward the river Bersimis (formerly Betsiamites) so they can increase production of hydroelectric power. Regarding the first two streams, I obviously did not have much to say about the viability and relevance of the project because they are tributaries of the St. Lawrence and they rightfully belong to the people of the North Shore of St. Lawrence (as well say another country!). But what is the river Manouane is another matter ...
misunderstand me! It is not about a thin project! It is not just a trickle of water is diverted for a few miles-not! - But a big, long river like a river, a river pure and beautiful as the day , a river of a thousand forms of animated life, full of game and fish, a river, which runs its course a vast green valley, wild and full of history, a river diversion is being considered by some to throw a thousand miles away, in another watershed and up the end of time.
On other continents, it is now that countries are at war and brutally kill each other for thousands of years to ensure their part in a single water point. Here, it makes no sense, no one doubts or worries about the least of the preceding heavy and major stress that will be subjected to a whole environment, ecosystems relate to each other by the thread of water, Lake Saint-Jean and Saguenay Fjord. If we let them do it without a fight, if we allow stupid and cowardly to foreign ownership of our most valuable asset-our-water is that our society is dead and buried. Is that foreigners are lords and masters in all and for all. And those who remain are their slaves, their food ...
Explain to me the logic of this deal between two foreign nations (namely the Montagnais of the North Shore and the Government of Quebec) who assume the right totalitarian pilfer environmental heritage and natural resources that are not theirs, and which belong naturally since the last Wisconsin glaciation, 10,000 years now to my real home, the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. For four centuries now, the colonial government of Quebec and predates plundered freely, shamelessly, the natural resources of my "Country" my love, it kills wildlife for fur and his own gain, destroying forests to enrich the state it embodies and the multinationals that guide, it takes away our rivers that supplies hydroelectric power plants in southern and fattens charges that his government headquarters in Quebec. Now that the soil was contaminated to satisfy the appetite of foreign agents, now that the forest is dying because of depredation led by foreigners, now that poverty housing wildlife and people of my "Country", now you decide, forcibly, without a mandate from the people of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean and his detriment, to divert a river around part of its exclusive patrimony to satisfy foreign interests, be they Montagnais Coast North. The usufruct of our waterways elude us so for centuries and centuries.
You say how this attack hits, hurt, insult and defile my being, do not! And you are you, our representatives, the primary responsibility!
You've come to the world that here in the "Country" Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. You who have studied in our colleges and prayed in our churches. You who buried relatives in our cemeteries. You who have eaten at our table as brothers who share the same history inexorably, how can you sponsor such an attack on our identity? How can you encourage and participate in the rape suit against the integrity of our territory? such devastation of Mother Earth? such a diversion of resources that belong to us, the people of the "Country", the first nations to which I belong primarily by blood and history, and I belong to all recent arrivals much? Yes! how (?), in all conscience can you afford that! ...
With the horror that grips my heart since I learned of the agreement, I feel like screaming louder my sorrow and my shame. The severity of it makes me more restraint. I can not afford to turn you back outside our borders, protect the integrity of our territory, to make you change your mind or make you reconsider the issue in the respect, dignity, people that you strip without shame. But I want you to take notes for the history being written now, my deep, Total, Royal and unqualified disagreement with the attack of unprecedented proportions is happening under your watch, against us, against our heritage cons and our land.
gentlemen our elected officials, tell us the reasons to accept such a sacrifice, and I would love requestionner hardness of my decision to you. And one small advantage for the people of the "Country", I tell you, and I promise to burn votives to your health and your worth bragging about with every wind ...
I do not know the weight of a bag of thirty pieces. I do not know what
fountain drink to your conscientious these ... but I can assure you in the meantime, every second, that history, my offspring and yours will remember the suffering that you have made them permanent at a time when your appointment was sought with so much about in one time you could help him overcome the deep rut in which the story of the last four centuries ago precipitated. God forgive you gentlemen our territorial representatives ... That help us! We will have many needs after your visit ...
What a mess!
I find myself dreaming of a stronger "Country" where we again, Chicoutimi and Jeannois, will finally home, and defended by our men. On the "Country" defined by its unique watershed, bathed in its internal sea, led by the majestic fjord that opens the door to the world and its future. A "Country" where all the people who live and sculpt their hard work, respect and be respected for what they are. Yes, I dream of a "Country" to We, a country where it is forbidden to stifle the sound of the earth, thirst and dreams of justice, freedom and fulfillment can satisfy it. And using the evil that he did I dream that the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, one day not too distant, know him find the strength to overcome their fear, the keystone of the system, to live in peace and prosper in harmony with its neighbors. And you
our representatives gentlemen, what do you dream? What do you do with our dreams? ...
Russel Bouchard
son and citizen of the "Land of Saguenay,
member of the Native Alliance of Canada,
historian and writer born free.
CC Denis 1, King of L'Anse;
André Harvey, MP for Chicoutimi County;
Hubert Desbiens, a former deputy county Dubuc;
André Caillé, Hydro-Quebec;
Jacques Bougie, Alcan
Pierre Dubuc, L'Aut 'Journal;
Louis-Gilles Francoeur, Le Devoir;
La Presse;
Carol Nero, The Daily;
Bertrand Tremblay, The Daily; Journal
cultural Mollie;
Betsiamistes Band Council, Band Council
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
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Monument Price and cultural policy
Under the arrow, you will have noticed the condition of the construction of the Monument Price, to the wharf of Chicoutimi, at the turn of the year 1881-1882
Monument and Price cultural policy Saguenay
next week between Christmas and St. John the Baptist and the Canadian Confederation, the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean welcome within its walls the descendants of William Price, first name, came to celebrate the bicentennial of color to their ancestor's arrival on Canadian soil. Under the circumstance, it was careful to dust off the record of the restoration of smoking family monument, built in 1882 on the Rocher de la Vella, the epicenter of the history of the city of Chicoutimi. It will be recalled that in the fall of 2004, the case had managed to warm the memory citizen who has not forgotten the abuse suffered by their ancestors forest to the "golden age" of Price!
In those days, let us remember fast facts for one reason and another, the City Hall Saguenay cherished project to move the monument to the roundabout Talbot-Jacques-Cartier. Conservation of historical heritage the idea was not only bad, it was politically inept and socially unhealthy because it allowed to unite in a single-chain still rusty-suffering of the past, perpetrated under the yoke of Price, and the collapse of the forestry industry fatally drawn into the global turmoil.
For Councillor Jacques Fortin, through the power of his election, has inherited the responsibility of safeguarding the heritage in Chicoutimi, while the city of Saguenay, so missed the boat and could not make the movement "the most beautiful monument (Price) to be placed there" , c is because "people have of politics. "That a sentence that is not to reconcile with the elect, who was hoisted to the top of the Chicoutimi Pulp and became the" superintendent "of the conservation and enhancement of the Municipal Heritage in distress.
This dual mandate is in the same bed policy and culture. Is it not, however, the response of a municipal council who played badly abused centralizing its discomfort with the cultural genius of the patient's creators faced a weak policy?
Culture and politics, how can we imagine separate from each other in a changing world? How can we, in full knowledge of the facts and intellectual honesty, support the absurd idea that politics is not interested in culture? Hogwash!
The erection of the monument Price was in his day, an eminently political act. Whatever praise which are engraved in loving memory of this illustrious family, the fact remains that this monument was erected to show the culture of enslavement of a people against the power of conquering English. Today in ruins, devastated by this symbol time from top to bottom reflects the poor state wades culture in Saguenay. A city that was not even fucking keep his legendary name, the most beautiful cultural heritage that we had left yet history! A city that never took care to preserve its historical buildings! A city that does ends in agony over the peak of the wrecker favored by the absence of a coherent cultural policy, a city should be concerned with the preservation of relics of its past and rightly appreciative of the inexhaustible genius of its creators that it owes a heavy price ...

Monument and Price cultural policy Saguenay
next week between Christmas and St. John the Baptist and the Canadian Confederation, the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean welcome within its walls the descendants of William Price, first name, came to celebrate the bicentennial of color to their ancestor's arrival on Canadian soil. Under the circumstance, it was careful to dust off the record of the restoration of smoking family monument, built in 1882 on the Rocher de la Vella, the epicenter of the history of the city of Chicoutimi. It will be recalled that in the fall of 2004, the case had managed to warm the memory citizen who has not forgotten the abuse suffered by their ancestors forest to the "golden age" of Price!
In those days, let us remember fast facts for one reason and another, the City Hall Saguenay cherished project to move the monument to the roundabout Talbot-Jacques-Cartier. Conservation of historical heritage the idea was not only bad, it was politically inept and socially unhealthy because it allowed to unite in a single-chain still rusty-suffering of the past, perpetrated under the yoke of Price, and the collapse of the forestry industry fatally drawn into the global turmoil.
For Councillor Jacques Fortin, through the power of his election, has inherited the responsibility of safeguarding the heritage in Chicoutimi, while the city of Saguenay, so missed the boat and could not make the movement "the most beautiful monument (Price) to be placed there" , c is because "people have of politics. "That a sentence that is not to reconcile with the elect, who was hoisted to the top of the Chicoutimi Pulp and became the" superintendent "of the conservation and enhancement of the Municipal Heritage in distress.
This dual mandate is in the same bed policy and culture. Is it not, however, the response of a municipal council who played badly abused centralizing its discomfort with the cultural genius of the patient's creators faced a weak policy?
Culture and politics, how can we imagine separate from each other in a changing world? How can we, in full knowledge of the facts and intellectual honesty, support the absurd idea that politics is not interested in culture? Hogwash!
The erection of the monument Price was in his day, an eminently political act. Whatever praise which are engraved in loving memory of this illustrious family, the fact remains that this monument was erected to show the culture of enslavement of a people against the power of conquering English. Today in ruins, devastated by this symbol time from top to bottom reflects the poor state wades culture in Saguenay. A city that was not even fucking keep his legendary name, the most beautiful cultural heritage that we had left yet history! A city that never took care to preserve its historical buildings! A city that does ends in agony over the peak of the wrecker favored by the absence of a coherent cultural policy, a city should be concerned with the preservation of relics of its past and rightly appreciative of the inexhaustible genius of its creators that it owes a heavy price ...

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