A story that has become unpopular
Depending on what data indicate a recent study out of nowhere, it appears now that 23% of college students 'only' (emphasis added) following history courses while attending college, and that, of those, "only" 8% (I stresses still) discover an interest in the history of Quebec. Offered as well, with such epithets, these figures do not mean that I deny, however, induce more than they reveal. On the one hand, they lead to the conclusion, without getting lost in the nuances that young Quebecers are totally disconnected from the story (and especially that of Quebec), and if they are so far the guilty everything is already cooked in advance.
"The teaching of history is also deficient in college and high school" denounces President Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Mario Beaulieu. "The current situation is alarming and requires urgent intervention of the government" , added the president of the foundation Lionel-Groulx, Claude Beland, who emphasizes that a petition circulating on this subject. When you spread such data without compromising the recitals are not suggesting that to stimulate debate in this regard in the hope of correcting a distressing gap and put the story on the program. It imposes a conclusion by induction and is seeking membership of all in this situation without taking the time to explain! We declares state of emergency, you shake the scarecrow and it is suggested to appeal to Parliament that the culprit is well suited.
Where is the debate?
statistics that should be severely questioned
Today, who would dare to challenge what is crying, the story of favor in our schools. However, where this disease is endemic it's first roots? Whose fault? In decadent government of Jean Charest? The education system just as decadent who conspired with different governments to get out the story of his programs? Colleges to which you made the blame for having become the halls waiting? Intellectual laziness or a youth who was trapped in this dangerous? And since we're in this denunciation that points the finger only glaring deficiencies in secondary and college, where are the universities? After emptying their program of what was once their strength (the humanities), to focus on the creation of wealth, the houses of higher learning they have done nothing wrong? Should they relieve all responsibilities because we hear the cries out precisely its walls?
If you want my opinion, 23% of the students (all sources!) Who learn the values of history in all directions, it is still not there in a Quebec that is multiculturalism dangerously in Quebec which has consistently anglicized and, stupidly, leaves room for recent arrivals who bring with them a memory that odious system of education, on behalf of a false openness, has undertaken enter in its register! In my view, the problem is not so much in numbers (relatively small) of students enrolled in this program in the amount and nature of the efforts of both sides. Consequently, a viable answer to the decline of historical thinking among us can be found in the quality of an academic approach québécois, in stimulating minds by those who are mandated to do, and in way to give back to history with a capital "H" all its nobility. My first concern is, indeed, that of excellence! The quality and authenticity will be the first concerned well will find their account and the others will fit snugly in the passage.
were good times!
When I was in CEGEP de Jonquière in 1969 and 1970, the question does not even arise. Those who wanted to do a bit of a career in this sport to fashion, enlisted for three years. It was a necessary to enroll in a social studies program and to pursue the same path to the University until his graduation from Undergraduate or a Bachelor of Arts History. We had over politics sociology, geography, philosophy and, of course, history. We went there or you do not go! If we go there, we went out enriched by the great door of excellence. It came up, nourished by a common ideal which kept a simple pride and collective paving the way for the project company that furnished the spirit of the Quiet Revolution and stimulated the nationalist debate, on both sides. We learned at the same time claim that we learn to measure our knowledge and weigh the ideas of others in the chaos of the debate that we respect the rules fairly well. It was the
good time and we do not know. We did not even need to think about it. Things were under! Our skills and our tastes for history and the humanities in general marked the path. If we go there, the college, by the richness of its program, had something to offer. He prepared the minds for the university which had the dual mission, to complete their training and help them thrive in this niche. The institutions of higher education had a concern then sovereign: education, full stop. They were not for sale. They had not melted in projects of international high finance that eventually seize the institutional mechanisms, levers and economic destiny of Quebec.
The process of higher education institutions was part of an effort to free the history of Quebec archaic ideological guardianship which blocked access to modernity. They formed the simple minds who, in turn, furnish the mind of the nation, and they invited them to build, by their questioning and learning, the society of tomorrow.
Quebec A patient's history, its institutions and its elites
In that time, Quebec universities, the quality and richness of their program, stimulated the needs and appetites of the entire school system, the first year at the end of college. As such, the University accounted for all to see an undeniable attraction, the ultimate meeting place for intellectuals in the making. In those days, memory was a sense that was in that of the Quebec nation that boasted, rightly, to be first and foremost a French Canadian, and certainly not multicultural. The newcomers took the time to say hello before settling permanently. They took pleasure in noting the habits, customs and history of their hosts. They learned good French and they agreed to make the effort to adapt, as appropriate, to the host society. The founding peoples, French Canadians, Metis and Indians to appoint well, made them the place, and following the history of Quebec itself was written in French please, thanks to the efforts and respect for all.
Over the years, colleges and universities have abandoned their humanity and the mission for which they were created. What we are experiencing today and regret in this respect is the fruit of a long and haunting drift that we have collectively submitted. Instead of writing history as all the people running, we suffer and diminish together all its attractions and we abandon the idea that others have of us.
In fact, let me say that even if things have changed for the worse in this decadent story that if the people have lost the love and interest in its history, we must also, a bit much, the elite French-Canadian the most prominent researchers and teachers of history in mind that in the early aftermath of the collapse of the 1995 referendum, have released their own people in the latrine of its history without worrying about what would happen to him in the hodgepodge Multiculturalism a denaturant. On the Quebec version of multiculturalism they (the elites) were applied to redefine the findings of a national commission on "reasonable accommodation" where he was officially recognized that the mere fact of itself as a member of the People founder of this emerging nation was now seen as a disgrace and infamy. With such a mess, should we be surprised today that three quarters of colleges have nothing to offer in history at their customer and know that the majority of college students "do not have minimum knowledge on their own company ?
In this regard, I am increasingly inclined to think that if Quebec eventually lose interest in history is that he has lost the thread and the taste and it s 'there confused. And if he finds it most is that it has been stripped of its meaning without account of the profound nature of his dreams, and without respect for what it is. Originally, I remember we were linked by a common language, culture, pride and a common dream in which all the French Canadians found themselves on the frontline. Today, this place is more common and interest in our national history is gone like the leaves of our maple trees in autumn taking. He lost in the petty ambitions of elites, institutions and opportunists who were far from worrying that they were sawing the branch on which they were seated and that they, too, would one day to face the rigors of winter ... they were preparing intellectual
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