"Why do stock francophones should they worry about what model of Quebec culture, North American francophonie as circumscribed by language, delivered the interactions between its components and open to all experiences of the continent ? What have they to lose, if not overly conservative, even a little frozen, their affiliations and the fate of French culture in Quebec? Should we really be concerned that the proposed shift of French Canadians in Quebec French, extend the identity of the first inserting it into a cultural complex where they remain by far the majority but is defined primarily by a strictly linguistic. " (GĂ©rard Bouchard " The Quebec nation in the future and past ", published in 1999 in VLB, p. 169)
That's an excerpt of the lullaby that has served Quebecers to strain after the referendum defeat and the famous speech by Jacques Parizeau, who was the great thinkers of the PQ took the teeth biting without understanding that they poisoned with their saliva.
is this magic formula that led to the charter HĂ©rouxville the reform of the school calendar that has just passed the Charest government for the benefit of six Jewish schools in Montreal (at the expense of others), and the chaos of "reasonable accommodation" in which Quebec is going down head first nostrils wide open. With this kind of intellectual smoke and nicotine propagated by a few elites in Quebec (Le Devoir in mind) that we have reached a collective duty to accept fundamentalist symbols as the hijab and Nikab part of normality of our society and take the place of historical symbols of the French Canadian majority who should I say, no longer entitled to city home. Here, through incantations of this kind, the two principal founding nations of Quebec and North America, hear the French Canadians and Metis Franco-Indian, have been banned from memory and completely excluded from public space that 'Yet they have built arm strength and intelligence in just four centuries.
A service rendered by drawing another, the author of this delusional solipsism, which proposed that French Canadians then go "all together, throw the stumps at the next traffic on St. John" (GB, Montreal, 1999) * , was appointed co-chairman of the Bouchard-Taylor to pave the way for the current chaos. And as always, the beautiful country of Quebec, where everyone is beautiful everyone is fine (except the majority French-Canadian and Metis), and as always I say good, good people, to whom they swore Cross iron wooden cross that was good for him and he had to show a spirit of openness to immigrants and visible minorities, applauded with both hands without worrying that it's him Similarly, its history, its memory, its culture and its dreams we attacked.
* This startling proposal was written by the author of "The Quebec nation future or past," and celebrated in "a symposium on Jewish relations, jointly organized by the Quebec and Irep Montreal Jewish library ", March 25, 1999.
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