Street Racine first
Chicoutimi makeover will at any cost and regardless of what citizens think! Let it be said once and for all! Depending on what emerges from the conclusions of the last visit of the mayor of Saguenay in France, so there will be Chicoutimiens and swallow in their cottages. It is unanimously decided by the only voice that permeates the city hall of the city " better managed in Québec "(dixit John Smith), Racine Street, which is the second oldest street in the region after the Sydenham Road, will be pedestrian and must compete with the most beautiful cities in France ... or it will be more!
Each time he crosses the ocean to get ideas in Europe, Mayor Jean Tremblay taste change everything and rewrite history in reverse. As he understands as he sees!
Still lucky he is not returning from Papua! ...

Racine Street pedestrian? The idea is not new, really. If my memory serves, it was before the years of the Great Depression, before the car does not come any pack, kids, pedestrians, drivers, horses. In that time, the Racine Street was not anything. Between two rows of ancient elms separated by a wide dirt street, the heart of the regional capital could not stop to grow in beauty. Good God it was beautiful my city! Journalist Catherine Delisle has moreover well noted in his commentary on November 28, published in the Progress-Sun: of "directors, without any foresight" has chosen to delete large sections of our heritage and our architecture. " Before making such a vacuum, what have we to show to tourists? What benefits will derive the last businesses that are struggling already? That will accrue to the citizen? And Satan! what will be abandoned parking pivèlent both sides of the root like a rusty old body?
The answer is obvious. Nothing! The empty call a vacuum.
Schematic of a Death Foretold

The most elementary located in this development plan which was debated in the manner of "Saguenay" clearly show, what was unthinkable during the merger of 2001: Chicoutimi, founded in 1676, is passing under the guardianship of the younger Jonquière, founded in 1847 from a portion of its territory. Impossible in a short space to explain everything. To appreciate the magnitude of the disaster that is prepared by our City Hall against Chicoutimi, I just to mention some figures out of the 1996 Census of Canada and compare them with those of the famous "Outline." These figures, placed one beside the other, speak for themselves:
In 1996, municipalities called to form the territory of the future city of Saguenay had 153.476 inhabitants. Of these, there were 63.061 inhabitants Chicoutimi (41.1% overall) against 56.503 (36.8% overall) for Jonquière. At the time, newspapers had a field day, Jonquière was losing ground and had even seen its population of melt 1.430 inhabitants (-2.5%) in five years while Chicoutimi had seen its population rise by 391 people (+0.6%). This erosion of the demographic weight of the Jonquiere increasing gap between the two hostile sisters of 6.558 inhabitants for Chicoutimi.
Chicoutimi, Jonquière backyard

But that was before the big merger of 2001, before John Smith opened the first meeting of the City Council this malformation what became City policy-Saguenay, before he began to dream big for 'his' town! Indeed, in the development plan referred above (a scheme by the way, which ideally should serve as an engine of development and pave the way for development Ville Saguenay) is how things have changed. Chicoutimi, the city-founder, has lost Chicoutimi-Nord and the Saint-Jean-Baptiste, never to become that ... "Chicoutimi-Sud". Consequently, the former city has only 36.090 of population, or 25.12% of the total (instead of its 35.74% as it should be the case in reality), while Jonquière, far be affected, is found as if by magic, the top of the urban scale with 49.337 inhabitants, or 34.34% of the population of Saguenay.
Other figures evocative. The area of Chicoutimi, which was originally urbanization perimeter, before the merger in 2001 of 61,926,080 (M2), collapses to 46,139,914 (M2) to deposit the "schema". And Jonquière, including urbanization perimeter respects curiously always that of the pre-merger, masterfully drawn wide underfoot with the Chicoutimi 64,397,762 (M2). These figures will have a decisive impact on our future in the short, medium and long term, when applying the "outline". Indeed, once this "scheme" as applied, the former city of Chicoutimi, lowered the state sector ... "Chicoutimi-Sud, finds itself with an area of 46,139,397 (M2), cons 59,158,245 (M2) in Jonquière, which will weigh on when all of our destiny ...

the medium and long term, the result is inevitable and most consistent. It will be manifested by a rapid erosion of the natural dynamics of Chicoutimi in favor of dynamic artificial and over-subsidized Jonquière, doped with hormones of rapid growth, have managed to cheat on the history and recover most of the economic prerogatives, administrative and social ... Chicoutimi Chicoutimi