Hydro AbitibiBowater, the renewed threat
past few days, we have taken to the operating state of ambiguity with respect to AbitibiBowater plant hydro-electric power which it has custody of the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean under a lease to use supposed to be give and take, that is to say prosperity for the people and prosperity for the company (see about it texts journalists and Bertrand Tremblay Louis Tremblay, published in "The Daily" on 21 and 24 January 2011).
last week stirred up by a "accounting maneuver worrying AbitibiBowater" , labor leaders sounded the alarm. Then came the turn of MP Jean-Pierre Blackburn followed again by the MP and PQ leader Pauline Marois, make capers before the cameras of the Saguenay.
When union leaders scream "danger danger" and show their teeth against the face of the corpse of what has become AbitibiBowater industry, I tell myself it's never too late to understand and act in the right direction! When an MP, which is not considered the bravest and the smartest of our MPs in Ottawa (that's the least we can say!), Finally dares to open his mouth to describe the operation of the multinational banqueroutière of ... "decision pernicious" and he amount the provincial government to put her panties, then I tell myself that this minister does not pretend to be good for nothing and federal elections are certainly not far into the agenda of his party. And when Pauline Marois, passing through St. Ambrose , "advocates firmness "towards multinational it calls for" profits " producing region, I can not help but think she should have done, the Marchioness, when she was the lady of strong party power to the Parliament of Quebec, next to Marc-Andre Bedard, Lucien Bouchard and Jacques Brassard, three son Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean.
Easier said than done when you make faces at Ottawa (who does not own the natural resources of the provinces) and one seat in the hood as opposed to the chair of chief minister of Quebec! For if There was a time for Ms. Marois to undertake the decentralization of powers to Quebec versus the regions, it was when there was a strong woman of the Government and that nothing was being denied ...
The sale of the last family jewels and the end of the paper industry in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
For those (and those, of course!) Who have short memories, I remind them that this is not the first time that the holder of the rights associated with the defunct hydroelectric Price Company (eaten and digested by the current AbitibiBowater), attempts sell the last family jewels (which are the central rivers Chicoutimi, Sand and Shipshaw) to wash once and for all, his last duty to the people of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean that she has already sucked to the marrow. Indeed, from 1985 to 1994, regional governments must remember that they had to wage war with swords drawn to force it to abandon its plan to sell a property that, in fact, does not belong because it really belongs to this people in rags who never stops being stripped of his rights, his property and his rags. On March 16, 1991, in an editorial published in The Daily, "the journalist Bertrand Tremblay, in words very polite (too polite for my taste!), Displayed the danger we face in broad daylight and then called the region "raises serious questions about the consequences of the possible loss of comparative advantage that represents the hydro system for Abitibi-Price. "
Business is business, two years later, in 1993, the multinational returning to the charge, I had personally taken up the torch to warn people of potential return of the threat. In a very incisive text published in the journal "Economic activity" of frévrier January 1994 (titrated "The sale of the Hydro-Price is a flight manifest"), I concluded: "Because the profitability and productivity of plants and Alma Kénogami-so jobs that are attached, are inseparable from the hydro- Electric, the sale of one or the other appears unthinkable. The result is easily predictable! Hydro-Price sold, Abitibi-Price would have the freedom to abandon the subsequent exploitation of its outdated facilities, we repeat, are no longer viable since the late eighties. "
Again, history will have given me too quickly Because in this sordid affair. Far from being diminished, the threat of the sale of the network that moves a lot of people these days in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, prepares the permanent closure of paper mills and Alma Kénogami last components of what was still, here just two decades, the flagship of the forestry industry in Quebec or in Canada if not North America as a whole. Admit that for a regionalist my quench for a quarter of a century, sees dying slowly close his country the benefit of a gang of strangers boursificoteurs, it is worrisome for the rest of the world and things that concern us
own ... In the wise, hello!
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