Response to the article by journalist Denis Villeneuve
"Attitudes Toward Common Approach 2000-2004 / A profound misunderstanding of the Innu," Progress
-Sunday, 6 February 2011, p. 22.

"Attitudes Toward Common Approach 2000-2004 / A profound misunderstanding of the Innu" , titrate up ( Mr. Villeneuve) in your paper published in The Progress-Sunday, 6 February. As I understand, there are only the author of this thesis led, Audrey Lord, who has understood it all alone! Only she knows the stress and uncertainty that this creates excluded from the agreement! Only she has a good knowledge of the history of Ilnutsh! Only she knew well why weigh all the emotional and recitals of everyone, including fears of counters that count for 98% of the regional population.
Doubtless it is for this reason that this academic study was conducted with a foreword by ... George Kurtness (Ilnut one who is a stakeholder in the Common Approach), that his dressing room at GRIR author, and it shows the short pro-indigenous announce the good word.
What this study does not say very very biased and partisan, it is this famous treaty because it wants the event on behalf of its sponsors (GRIR, and other corpo UQAC amérindianophiles), is exclusive. In that it denies in its essence, the existence of 98% of the regional population, confined to the simple role of ... "Third" (devices which Montrealers!).
In fact, what the regional French Canadians and Metis have been asking all along is simply to be recognized as collective entities and respectable in its own right and not to be excluded from the treaty which, as designed by Quebec, makes us aliens in our own land, ... "Third."
Go ask the 18 Metis that the Government of Quebec Superior Court continues to demolish their ancestral camps (Cause Corneau). Go ask members of Associations for Hunting and Fishing, customers (non-indigenous) of public land, and Métis-Canadian Indian who ejaculated books of national history, what they think of this iniquitous treaty has only one purpose: to enable the Government of Quebec to go over the heads of regional and concoct agreements with two Ilnutsh or three leaders to plunder the natural resources of the northern territories.
To say short and straight, it is with this bill agreement that Quebec will manage to make his famous "Northern Plan", without indispose needs, demands and aspirations of the region. Thanks to this treaty it will manage to get out of the woods last Métis Borealie on behalf of the common good, he will be able to allow the exploitation of shale gas and uranium despite the fierce disapproval regionals, it will allow Hydro Quebec to sully the last rivers in the non-progress, and he will be able proceed with the release of phosphorus from lake deposits to Paul and diamond mines Otish the benefit of foreign plunderers.
Doubtless Mrs Lord is doomed to a bright future with Aboriginal groups in Quebec. Because she knows so well the history of Ilnutsh, invitation made to him to teach us what we did not learn and we demonstrate the historicity of our mistakes. I am taking this debate socio-historical ...
PS I said to Mrs. Lord and her sponsors and Indian government: Give us what you give to Inusth in the Common Approach, recognize us as citizens of regional primary zone and not last, just do it and I sign this treaty with both hands and I ask the regional to do the same ...
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